After watching the YouTube video of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus initial announcement, I was hooked. Initially I hunted for hours on the web looking for information on the phone and features, along with anything about ICS. I've installed Eclipse and all the Java and Android SDKs, in anticipation of beginning to program on this phone. I opened a couple of Java books to refresh my understanding and learn a few new Java skills.
Then, as I was pouring over the forums, I found this thread. At first, I was simply dumbfounded by the number of posts in this thread, as compared to similar threads on other forums. As I read more, and as I patiently waited, I was drawn (or even consumed) to follow and participate in this thread, which I soon realized had become a community. You guys poked fun and posted some crazy videos and Stephen even found a live Nexus phone to play with, and enthusiastically reported back. But even through the ups and downs of playing the constant waiting game for a phone that always seemed to be about "two weeks" away from release, everyone was welcomed. A few were disciplined, as the moderators held us in check during the tougher times when we were more prone to pick on one another. But we've made it through to the final day, and I feel like I've made a few new friends. I will miss this thread, but I'm glad the wait is finally over.
Thanks especially to the moderators, all of you. And thanks to all who participated with their comments, information, jokes, off-topic posts, and ever changing avatars. It's been a blast, and I look forward to continued conversations with many of you, as we all join together with this one item that seems to draw us together, a new phone. Seems silly when you look at it that way.
I enjoyed meeting some fellow Nexicans at the store this morning. First time being face to face with someone as excited as I am about this phone. My CSR let me do the initial setup, avoiding backup assistant and such for now.
That's all for now. I have to go play with my new phone. Look forward to meeting up later in another thread.