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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Ugh. I regret bringing up the Lohan funbags, but I just couldn't believe it when a coworker told me.
So double the Dinc thread would be what, around 93,000?

I really, really hope we don't make that!
Ugh between reading the possible release date for the Nexus and the supposed delays for the transformer prime.. I think I'm going to go crazy... I did call a Verizon store today (among numerous others) but this guy stumbled and didn't know what to say when I asked him about it. Finally he just said call back tomorrow to get your answer... whatever that means
Ugh. I regret bringing up the Lohan funbags, but I just couldn't believe it when a coworker told me.

MMMM..... Funbags.....


To bad that Bloomington VZW retailer isn't my closest one. I'm gonna hit the corporate store off Cedar & the crosstown. Come on Thursday!!!!!
For those of you who are newer to this thread or those that just want to remember times past:
L.T. at Verizon - YouTube

The Hitler video was awesome but I think that this one is my favorite.

BTW, thanks Hans for getting me the link.

I figured since we have so many people joining and since this video is still true, we should post it every week until release. Hopefully this is the last time that I have to link Hans video!
I don't know about this.

The 9th was a pretty set in stone date until issues cropped up at the last minute. There were emails leaked, stock in stores. Frankly, I think Verizon is planning on releasing it with little fanfare.

I know there's a TON of excitement here on this board, and I'll be at my store at 9 AM Thursday (unless we hear something different), but the Nexus is a phone that is intended for developers. The Nexus S didn't have a huge release and I don't expect this one to either. It seems like a huge release because we're an insulated group of extremely excited tech geeks/nerds but outside of us, there isn't a ton of buzz.

Ask 100 people on the street about the phone and 95 of them will probably have never heard of it, or if they have, don't see why it's any different from a Razr, Rezound, Bionic, or iPhone.

I'm excited, and we're excited, so I think we believe this phone should be promoted because we know it's amazing. But Verizon, on the other hand, probably sees this as a Niche phone that lacks their branding. To them it isn't a Droid and doesn't have much Verizon on it. To the layman, it's another Android phone and they don't really care about being trendsetting.

So while we think this is huge and should be promoted like crazy, Verizon is probably just going to slip this out quietly and then maybe promote it.

With all due respect, it is sort of a circular argument to say that Verizon doesn't care about marketing the Nexus because most people don't know about the phone, when it is also true that the reason most people don't know about the phone is the lack of marketing from Verizon.

I agree with you that most people never heard about the Nexus. Then again, I'd bet a good chunk of people don't know the difference between 3G and 4G, or what a 720p display is, but that doesn't stop Verizon from advertising these things because they are selling points. The responsibility of a marketing department is to convince customers they want a particular product by setting out its selling points. The Nexus would be an easy product to promote even to the lay-person (how about largest screen, 4G, revolutionary operating system for starters?) and the fact that Verizon hasn't promoted it at all is really shocking to me.

EDIT: I am aware that Verizon could still advertise this phone after release, but I think it is crazy to not hype a phone that is coming out so close to Christmas, only to turn around and hype it after people have already done their Christmas shopping. Also, I don't know why Google or Samsung haven't stepped up with advertising dollars either.
Just called a Best Buy near work. She admitted that they have stock, that they were waiting on the manufacturer to clear it. Whatever that means. We know the damn thing works. It seems eve they're confused...
For what it's worth, all 4 stores in the Houston area that I called said Thursday is 100% certain. One re-read the email (that he received this afternoon) while on the phone with me.

I'm in Dallas and I've heard the same thing --- Since last Thursday. Guy said it was delayed a week. They said they got an email that day. They said it was internally official but could change. They even let me play with the phone, so I have this feeling they really didn't give a #$@$ what upper management said to say.. (which was.. AMAZING!! 30 Mbit/Sec speedtest on LTE)

I'm starting to think that the reports of people saying the phone isn't coming out Thursday are living in the sticks and their stores just won't have stock on day 1.
Uh oh. My boss just asked me if I can cover for another guy on Thursday morning.

I said "Sorry, no."

He said "Well, think about it."

I hate when they frakking do that!!!!

Doesnt your boss know whats going on this Thursday? Take him to the cantina.
MMMM..... Funbags.....

To bad that Bloomington VZW retailer isn't my closest one. I'm gonna hit the corporate store off Cedar & the crosstown. Come on Thursday!!!!!

I'll be hitting up either the Eagan or Burnsville shop, haven't decided which yet. They're about equidistant.
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