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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I feel like a post from THE SOURCE and or Hanette would complete the thread nicely, I know pushing, ........anyway...... WOW, JUST WOW!! what a ride!!!

I wont be getting mine today, only because I just now wrapped up projects I need to invoice for, as I was heavily slowed down with work by this thread. No upgrade for me, so full price it is.
I knew it would be a while before I can swing the cost but still hung on to every post, simply for the awesomeness of this thread of epic proportions. I am sooo excited with all of you getting your babies today and hopefully Im not tooo far behind.

So Congratts everyone, especially you Steven, and I couldnt have imagined missing out on this wonderful journey. Yep, what a ride
got mine, walked in at 9:01 trying not to look like a dork. had been waiting in starbucks next door since 8. on my way out of vzw a rep bumped into me and my phone flew but i was stealthy as shit and caught it like a foot above the ground.

edit* now i just need swype!
edit2* btw i tried ordering a coffee at starbucks, holy christ its like they've never had someone order a black coffee before.. "did you mean a venti blah blah blah." i don't know i want a coffee.
If anyone has the Samsung (not the Verizon) car dock, I would be interested in your comments. Looks like I may go with this dock off Amazon as it's reasonable ($20) and looks easy to remove and add.

Also, just FYI, I am getting a solid two bars of LTE coverage in my office. Email seems to be syncing with the Exchange server just fine.
How about the GN on display at the corp stores? You have these big iPhone and Droid Razr displays and posters all nice with Christmas decor, and one little sad GN over in the corner (seriously) that wasn't even powered on. Crazy!! I told the rep that this phone might outsell the others :p
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone here for making the wait so much better. I'm glad that everyone is getting their GNs and I hope that many of you great people continue to post under various threads within this forum, because I know that I definitely will. Happy holidays and enjoy what you have all deserved to have...THE GREATEST PHONE EVAR!!!1!!
My store didn't have any extended batteries. Not a big deal, I'll see how the standard one does. I did buy the VZW screen protectors.

To my surprise, I got a $50 loyalty, the $100 credit (charged to acct) and had 40% off phone upgrade through my employer.

I was out of the store for under $100. Woot!
Not that it was a big deal, but having a few hundred extra in the bank acct is a good thing.
Guys and gals, I'm gonna post this quick because I have about two months of backlogged work to catch up on... :D

I lurked on the DInc thread but didn't really participate. However, because of the outstanding efforts of our mods, Early, OTD and Steven, and the great sense of camaraderie here, I really feel like I was part of something larger than the sum of the individual parts.

THANK YOU ALL for your time, effort, and friendship! I'd say I'll miss you guys, but that doesn't have to happen since I will be hanging with everyone over in the Lounge!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to play with my new Nexu... err, I mean get back to work! ;)

Enjoy your new toy, everyone!! :D

Me and Galpdawg at the Verizon Store, waiting on line. :)

Well, I am a proud owner of a new Galaxy Nexus! I have an extended battery! I have the el-cheapo Verizon screen cover (gonna get Steinheil) and the shiny black silicon cover. I also bought the battery charger. :)

The did not give me the 100 dollar discount at the store, but as the CSR guy told me two days ago, "just charge it to your account and we'll do it over the phone." They did.

Google's downloading my apps now, and is trying to load them onto my homescreen! :O Eh, gotta delete that.

Ttyl. Finishing up my g'bye post. :(

Did you take that picture with the Gnex? You both look great and HAPPY!
Got mine! I had to take care of a few things when I got back to work, so I'm a little behind posting. This thing was so worth the wait! I've been showing it to a few friends who are due for upgrades within the next few months, and they both agree that this will be their next phone.

Been a great ride, and I'll be looking forward to keeping up the chat in another thread.

Thanks, Steven (and the other mods as well, of course)! You've done a great job keeping us under control!
The guy that rang me up said the same thing. They had more phones than micro sim cards. Glad i got in this morning rather than waiting!

Wow, I hope my store had plenty, cause I needed two (one to activate it on the new line, another to swap to my line.)
LOL, when they opened the doors at verizon today some random guy walking by asked the verizon employee who was holding the door open if the Razr had these kind of lines on launch.

he was being sarcastic of course. the verizon employee didn't say anything lol

the rep at the small store where i picked mine up said that he only sold 2 razrs all day on launch day, even though he was asked to come in early so he could talk to people that were waiting in line......he had sold 2 gnexes in the half hour i was there :D:D:D:D

kinda shows you how out of touch verizon is and how hard they tried to push the razr
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