Here's what grinds my gears... I tried to embed a YouTube link (featuring me playing and singing) the old-school way (URL in between <>), and I failed like the noob that I suppose I am... if anyone feels the need to give good old LW a crash course, it would be appreciated (preferably via PM). My fiancee went to a meeting, and won't be back until 9:45pm EDT (here Stateside), so, I prepared a marinara that is a three-generation family recipe (yup, I'm of Italian descent)... the smell is heaven. I even hand-crushed the blanched tomatoes, just like my Nana. The meatballs are cooking in the marinara, so any Vegans out there keep the hate down to a dull roar (though, I do like a marinara meatless from time to time). Green peppers, onions, the works... Since I'm not posting this via Forum Runner, I'm on the laptop. I managed to get the new screen installed without too much fuss (the old one got cracked), so this is unfamiliar territory for me, as I've been posting mostly via Android. When I first opened my account here in 2011, it was by computer; but, my memory isn't as lucid as it should be. May everyone have a wonderful weekend, and next Saturday, 9.20, I'll be performing at the the Apex Jazz Festival in Apex, NC for two shows... I'm looking forward to it, as last year was a lot of fun.