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Root [ROM][AOSP]dGB v01_28_2012| 2.3.5| 375MB /data| 60MB /system |Mult-lang |Unlock |Reboot[28 Jan]

is it possible to grab sms ringtones from cm7 to add to

also. don't seem to be getting sms notification led flash :-\


edit...fixed led. color wasn't selected :-D
Yes, I like that too. I use the UOT Kitchen to add my name to it.

Loving this new version. Fast, smooth and great battery life. The only changes I will make will be changing the battery icon to show the percentage when it is charging
You can do that in UOT. If I remember correctly you can choose to show the charging symbol or the percentage or a hybrid of both.

What I really like about this ROM is how stable it is whilst being fast, smooth etc. Even a minor niggle with a rom can be very irritating when I'm busy with work and just need my phone to work.
is it possible to grab sms ringtones from cm7 to add to

Just create /sdcard/audio/notifcations or /ringtones or /alarms and drop whatever you want into whichever you like and it will show up in the selection menus.
a nice rom pic :-)
I only have 40k free now. Can't remember when that screen shot was taken. May be from before a font was added back in.

My a2sd shows things too. Unsure why.

Hi i was just going through this, and decided to check it out..

When there is no standard A2SD enabled, there's no A2SD available,

but if there's a A2SD enabled 'pm setInstallLocation 2', there is A2SD storage data in Quick sys info, and it gets expanded as and when you move app2sd also, the standard way, or using App2SD variants.


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My a2sd storage shows as 360MB , free 92.01. That free relates to nothing I have..

Could it be because of some kinda allocation that's done by the OS, to move the apps to SD.
I just checked the '.androidsecure' folder and the size corresponds to the 'Total Memory' on A2SD storage.
Could it be because of some kinda allocation that's done by the OS, to move the apps to SD.
I just checked the '.androidsecure' folder and the size corresponds to the 'Total Memory' on A2SD storage.

Where does my 90 come from though? Also my .android_secure shows as empty with no permissions. However all my apps show in /mnt/secure/asec

hi. yes. widget locker. only been getting this with
current dGB though :-\
is there a fix?


Are you using set CPU? Widget locker and default lock screens wake for me with one press, immediately.
just did a 'df' for the usage. Guess each application reserves some space for its data and updates required. Check free space for all applications.
These are only the apps that have been moved to SD.
Where does my 90 come from though? Also my .android_secure shows as empty with no permissions. However all my apps show in /mnt/secure/asec

Are you using set CPU? Widget locker and default lock screens wake for me with one press, immediately.
ahh yes but i had issues with wake with your 875 voltage levels. it would either be really slow or not wake at all.

i would suggest he tries changing the script to 900 for all levels stating 875 and rebooting
Dont know why mine is different. Also I notive Nandroid backups of .android_Secure do not restore my applications on SD card...

Could there be some sort of linking between the app stored on phone mem, and the sdcard.
Also, my recovery has only 2 options, nand backup, and nand+ext backup.
using only nand backup and then restore does the restore in entirety.

I'm using amonra2.01, could that be the difference.
Just since rmd. Another quirk I've noticed is via recovery or Rom if I delete files off sd using Linux, its not freeing up the space. I.e the used space stays the same but its fine using es file explorer. No idea how long that's been happening
Just since rmd. Another quirk I've noticed is via recovery or Rom if I delete files off sd using Linux, its not freeing up the space. I.e the used space stays the same but its fine using es file explorer. No idea how long that's been happening
oh you mean it does install the applications and they work, just they are on internal memory and not on sd so you have to move them again?

ive never deleted files from my sdcard using linux
oh you mean it does install the applications and they work, just they are on internal memory and not on sd so you have to move them again?

ive never deleted files from my sdcard using linux
shiiiiiit ive never noticed this bug before

i have no space left on internal now

i backed up device, wiped device, restored and now ive got 16mb of space left. not only that but i cannot move them as ive no space to move them :/

hmmm so the only way of fixing this is wiping and starting again?

looks like im going back to amonRA 2.0.1 then cant trust cwm or rmd now :/
For me it restores the /data part of the application but not .android_secure part. It still acts as its moved to SD but the SD part does not exist, ergo the application reports "not installed". A quick Ti restore (well its not quick) and the .android_secure element is restored.

Its not a specifically ROM bug I dont think as I can nandroid restore to my hearts content on CWM2.5.0.7. I may test Amon-RA too.
aye its not rom, for me it restored half of my android secure, but i dont think it restores the libs that get moved in GB
i was running the df command while android was booting and i could see the dalvic build up and the data rise through the roof.
this is the only flaw i found with the recovery and im gutted. mainly because he doesnt answer his thread. i know hes checking it as his recent logon was today.

amonRA it is
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