Hey, many thanks to both developers for your hard work. I'm sure you aren't bug tracking and such yet, being pre-alpha, but if it helps, just figured I'd pop in and let you know that two of the original issues with unlocking are still present, I'm guessing it was in the code used from what they released. They are; occasional inaccuracy in the slider, where it doesn't recognize the touch, and goes the wrong direction until the phone is locked and unlocked, and the odd fuzzy screen bug where once in a while after unlocking everything on the screen seems a little.. jagged, perhaps lower resolution. Locking and unlocking once or a few times resolves it, as it did before.
As previously mentioned, data connection seems the same, but far more reliable, I had zero disconnects today since I installed. Touch is also flawless, the unregistered touch of the back button issue has vanished, although it seems haptic feedback is not working.
Thanks again, this is making the phone a lot more workable. I was regretting spending those three bills up til today.
*edit* Cheap shot at Motorola: It's kind of disturbing that two end users have put out a better version in pre-alpha of the OS than a team of well paid (?) developers. One hopes that Google's potential ownership clears some up some of that.