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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

I tried manually moving them to system/app, they moved there but after reboot they dont show up in the app drawer. I tried flashing them, same result. So I clicked on each one individually and installed it when the system asked me to, just how you would normally install any apk by clicking on it, and that worked.

But is that ok or is this doing something I probably don't want or shouldnt do?
I guess it does. I redid the entire phone. And just moved Email.apk and it wouldnt show up in the app drawer. So I changed the file permissions of that to what all the other files in system/app were set at, rebooted, and it showed up.

So, I guess that's what the problem was. Sorry if I missed it in a previous post.
Hey guys, I've installed 3.5 like five or six different times and am trying to get my SD Card working with Link2SD. I've used Minitool to format the card with ext3 and ext4. I've also used CWM's partitioning tool to partition the card and I cannot get Link2SD to work for nothing. Can anyone point me to a surefire tutorial or give me a quick how-to on it?
Hey guys, I've installed 3.5 like five or six different times and am trying to get my SD Card working with Link2SD. I've used Minitool to format the card with ext3 and ext4. I've also used CWM's partitioning tool to partition the card and I cannot get Link2SD to work for nothing. Can anyone point me to a surefire tutorial or give me a quick how-to on it?

with the exception of half-assROM, all of the custom ROMs for this phone have an apps2sd solution built in. you don't need link2sd.
they're also all overclockable and have swap enabled.
with the exception of half-assROM, all of the custom ROMs for this phone have an apps2sd solution built in. you don't need link2sd.
they're also all overclockable and have swap enabled.

So, I should format the card, partition it with Minitool, and set both partitions as primary? One FAT32 and the other ext4? I have loaded 3.5 multiple times and haven't seen the apps2sd app.
boot into recovery and select
advanced>partition sd card>1024M>256M
flash ctmod. you now have koumamod functionality
default is ssm mode

you can choose whatever you like for ext and swap sizes. that is just what i use. i never come close to filling those partition sizes.
boot into recovery and select
advanced>partition sd card>1024M>256M
flash ctmod. you now have koumamod functionality
default is ssm mode

you can choose whatever you like for ext and swap sizes. that is just what i use. i never come close to filling those partition sizes.

Actually, default is nothing. If running CTmod 3.5, after installing and booting, you must go to settings-CTmodSettings-KoumaKernalSettings then select Data(or SSM, if you got it setup for that) and reboot.
If running CTmod 3.5, after installing and booting, you must go to settings-CTmodSettings-KoumaKernalSettings then select Data(or SSM, if you got it setup for that) and reboot.
ok re-installed 3.5, booted, installed the Fix, booted, but at this point since I did all of the partitioning through adb earlier for the ssm setup, should I choose ssm in the settings/ctmod settings/koumakernel settings menu? - i ask because it's back on default since I reinstalled 3.5
ssm is enabled by default, it just doesn't show up in the app. if you enable it it won't actually change anything except what it says.
I guess my question is, [1] are we talking about the same things here and [2] if we are, do I have to enable that setting or not?
I guess my question is, [1] are we talking about the same things here and [2] if we are, do I have to enable that setting or not?

the post you quoted from me answers your question bro.

you don't have to select it as its already enabled, the app is just reading it wrong. but you can select it, just so its showing the correct setting. its up to you.
the post you quoted from me answers your question bro.

you don't have to select it as its already enabled, the app is just reading it wrong. but you can select it, just so its showing the correct setting. its up to you.

Hey now, it's not reading it wrong. It's just not reading it at all.
I actually didn't expect anyone to default their mod to having something switched on.
I might change that though.
Hey..... don't forget to tell them that they can go the Extra Super Secret Yard and FULLY activate the Super Secret Mod in ADB. Just using the default setting and not partitioning in ADB is kinda like cooking a hamburger and not eating it.:D
Hey..... don't forget to tell them that they can go the Extra Super Secret Yard and FULLY activate the Super Secret Mod in ADB. Just using the default setting and not partitioning in ADB is kinda like cooking a hamburger and not eating it.:D

Hey now, I would love to ADB it, but I cant find a dummies guide for it. Im not a dummy, but I like to have things spelled out for me the first time so I 1) dont mess anything up and B) know what I did and why I did it so I can help assist somebody in the future. Somebody please lead this horse to water so I can drink, and then Ill lead other horses to the water hole:D
Hey now, I would love to ADB it, but I cant find a dummies guide for it. Im not a dummy, but I like to have things spelled out for me the first time so I 1) dont mess anything up and B) know what I did and why I did it so I can help assist somebody in the future. Somebody please lead this horse to water so I can drink, and then Ill lead other horses to the water hole:D

wet gave me this and worked first shot
this is whThis TUT was made for KK 2.0 but can be used for KK 2.4 . You can alter the script using Koumas instructions
in his Original Post on the KoumaKernel thread to either activate the SSM or deactivate it .
This TUT will explain how to partition your card so that the SSM feature will work .

READ ALL OF THIS FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There may be an easier way but I KNOW THIS WAY WORKS ! :-D

Save all data on your sd card to your computer because your card is gonna get wiped . :-)

Install CTMod 3.4 . After install , go in to CWM . Go to advanced and clear the Dalvik cache then
reboot in to recovery and do a factory wipe then REBOOT .

Go back in to CWM , go to advanced and partition your card . 1024 mb then 0 swap . Reboot

After that

Put your phone in CWM mode , plug it in to computer .

You are gonna need to have Kouma's Odin Packer .
Unzip it and place in a folder on your desktop . It contains a GingerBread folder inside it .

You will then need to open the Gingerbread folder from the folder you just unzipped .

Do not click on anything in the folder
Just move your mouse pointer to an open area in the Gingerbread folder window .

Hold the down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and RIGHT CLICK YOUR MOUSE .
A menu will appear , select OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE . A command widow will appear , type adb shell and hit ENTER

a # sign will appear Type sdparted -i then hit ENTER

You should now be in the phone ,ready to wipe and partition your card .

You will then go through the motions of wiping your sd card . Just follow the prompts and wipe the card .

You will then be asked to choose a size for your new partitions . Enter mb's when asked for sizes 2 gigs =2048mb 1 gig = 1024mb
( if you have a large card , choose 2048 for the first two partition sizes that it will ask for )
( if you have a smaller card , use a lesser size . 1024 or 512 ).

When it is done performing the actions, copy and paste the commands below to the ADB window and hit ENTER .


After reboot , go back in to CWM , go in to ADVANCED and CLEAR THE DALVIK CACHE .

You're DONE !!! You should now be able to go in to the menu/settings/Storage .... Under available space, you should have over 150mb free.

Here are Kouma's directions . NOTE ! Do not select anything for EXT PARTITION TYPE or FAT PARTITION SIZE . Just hit ENTER .

1) Boot into Recovery
2) ADB shell into the phone
3) Run "sdparted -i"
4) Pick a size for a swap partition (CWM doesn't let you make them big)
5) Pick a size for your EXT partition. Let the fat partiton have the rest.
6) When sdparted completes, manually convert the swap partion to ext4 by performing the following:
mkfs.ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
tune2fs -c0 -i0 -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
e2fsck -fpDC0 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3at wet showed me and works great
wet gave me this and worked first shot
this is whThis TUT was made for KK 2.0 but can be used for KK 2.4 . You can alter the script using Koumas instructions
in his Original Post on the KoumaKernel thread to either activate the SSM or deactivate it .
This TUT will explain how to partition your card so that the SSM feature will work .

READ ALL OF THIS FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There may be an easier way but I KNOW THIS WAY WORKS ! :-D

Save all data on your sd card to your computer because your card is gonna get wiped . :-)

Install CTMod 3.4 . After install , go in to CWM . Go to advanced and clear the Dalvik cache then
reboot in to recovery and do a factory wipe then REBOOT .

Go back in to CWM , go to advanced and partition your card . 1024 mb then 0 swap . Reboot

After that

Put your phone in CWM mode , plug it in to computer .

You are gonna need to have Kouma's Odin Packer .
Unzip it and place in a folder on your desktop . It contains a GingerBread folder inside it .

You will then need to open the Gingerbread folder from the folder you just unzipped .

Do not click on anything in the folder
Just move your mouse pointer to an open area in the Gingerbread folder window .

Hold the down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and RIGHT CLICK YOUR MOUSE .
A menu will appear , select OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE . A command widow will appear , type adb shell and hit ENTER

a # sign will appear Type sdparted -i then hit ENTER

You should now be in the phone ,ready to wipe and partition your card .

You will then go through the motions of wiping your sd card . Just follow the prompts and wipe the card .

You will then be asked to choose a size for your new partitions . Enter mb's when asked for sizes 2 gigs =2048mb 1 gig = 1024mb
( if you have a large card , choose 2048 for the first two partition sizes that it will ask for )
( if you have a smaller card , use a lesser size . 1024 or 512 ).

When it is done performing the actions, copy and paste the commands below to the ADB window and hit ENTER .


After reboot , go back in to CWM , go in to ADVANCED and CLEAR THE DALVIK CACHE .

You're DONE !!! You should now be able to go in to the menu/settings/Storage .... Under available space, you should have over 150mb free.

Here are Kouma's directions . NOTE ! Do not select anything for EXT PARTITION TYPE or FAT PARTITION SIZE . Just hit ENTER .

1) Boot into Recovery
2) ADB shell into the phone
3) Run "sdparted -i"
4) Pick a size for a swap partition (CWM doesn't let you make them big)
5) Pick a size for your EXT partition. Let the fat partiton have the rest.
6) When sdparted completes, manually convert the swap partion to ext4 by performing the following:
mkfs.ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
tune2fs -c0 -i0 -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
e2fsck -fpDC0 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3at wet showed me and works great

Actually it has gotten a good bit easier. The only thing you have to do in adb is the sdparted -i

There is a cwm flashable zip and an apk app in the kk thread for formatting the SD partitions and configuring the koumod file
Actually it has gotten a good bit easier. The only thing you have to do in adb is the sdparted -i

There is a cwm flashable zip and an apk app in the kk thread for formatting the SD partitions and configuring the koumod file

Ok, ok. So in ADB I would do the numbered steps from the post, then flash the zip file, then once booted go into the apk app and voila? If Im wrong could you just copy and paste the part I need from cwhatevers post? Im pretty sure I know the zip and apk files youre talking about Kouma from your thread. Thanks a million guys. Ill have a new project tomorrow after a visit to the in-laws:D
Ok, ok. So in ADB I would do the numbered steps from the post, then flash the zip file, then once booted go into the apk app and voila? If Im wrong could you just copy and paste the part I need from cwhatevers post? Im pretty sure I know the zip and apk files youre talking about Kouma from your thread. Thanks a million guys. Ill have a new project tomorrow after a visit to the in-laws:D

The destructions are all in the KoumaKernel first post. If anything gives you trouble, or you need some more clarification, by all means, just ask.
Ok, ok. So in ADB I would do the numbered steps from the post, then flash the zip file, then once booted go into the apk app and voila? If Im wrong could you just copy and paste the part I need from cwhatevers post? Im pretty sure I know the zip and apk files youre talking about Kouma from your thread. Thanks a million guys. Ill have a new project tomorrow after a visit to the in-laws:D

you should just have to do this then and then flash the zip when done.
if i am wrong then someone correct me, thx.

You are gonna need to have Kouma's Odin Packer .
Unzip it and place in a folder on your desktop . It contains a GingerBread folder inside it .

You will then need to open the Gingerbread folder from the folder you just unzipped .

Do not click on anything in the folder
Just move your mouse pointer to an open area in the Gingerbread folder window .

Hold the down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and RIGHT CLICK YOUR MOUSE .
A menu will appear , select OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE . A command widow will appear , type adb shell and hit ENTER

a # sign will appear Type sdparted -i then hit ENTER

You should now be in the phone ,ready to wipe and partition your card .

You will then go through the motions of wiping your sd card . Just follow the prompts and wipe the card .

You will then be asked to choose a size for your new partitions . Enter mb's when asked for sizes 2 gigs =2048mb 1 gig = 1024mb
( if you have a large card , choose 2048 for the first two partition sizes that it will ask for )
( if you have a smaller card , use a lesser size . 1024 or 512 ).

if all fails just use the whole process that i originally posted. but hope this easier process works though. is shorter and easier. just backup sd card first!!!!!!!!!
Indeed. Kouma has made it a little easier to convert to ext4. I've just got in the habit of copying and pasting the cmds since I'm already using ADB. It usually takes me about 3 minutes to get it taken care of after the partitioning is done. I guess you could just call me old fashioned lol. Both ways are easy once you get the hang of it. :D
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