from my previous post about 3.5, i hope 3.6 is better...all the works hes done is great, just,for me anyway, 3.5 was like VISTA home on a P3 Computer with 512MB mem on a 64MB video just wasnt happening..
i NEVER use TitaniumBackup, i use CWM to do a advanced Restore of DATA, which, before 3.5 worked flawlessly...seriously..
but now...its fudged. the phone/launcher..etc SEE the apps, but the shortcuts on the screen, get erased every reboot. plus some FC's, couple times on the launcher, XPERIA by sony, the browser is constantly lagging even with the flashed upgrade for it.
For backups, i just manually copy the apps to a folder on computer and the ones i actually use, i stick on a folder on the sd card. if im in a hurry, ill let Android Assistant Backup the apps for me.