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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

Is there any way to tell if my updated chrome was successful?

I was having a bit of trouble getting it to take, now I'm not sure if I have the old one or the new one installed.
Is there any way to tell if my updated chrome was successful?

I was having a bit of trouble getting it to take, now I'm not sure if I have the old one or the new one installed.

When you load a page is the loading bar blue or grey? If its grey your updated.
ok thanks, I'm still on the old one, I'll keep trying.

set the File Explorer to show hidden dir, root explorer and mount file system.

then you can just go to /system/app and delete Chrome.apk and copy the new one there. or you can skip all of this and put it in Apkinstaller.zip and flash it.
yes, I got it thanks. :)

I was copying and pasting it to /system/app then when I would try and find it in the app drawer and it would be gone.

But the ApkInstaller.zip worked after I put the apk in right spot instead of just dropping it in without navigating to /system/app. doh, *headslap*
yes, I got it thanks. :)

I was copying and pasting it to /system/app then when I would try and find it in the app drawer and it would be gone.

But the ApkInstaller.zip worked after I put the apk in right spot instead of just dropping it in without navigating to /system/app. doh, *headslap*

you gotta reboot when you copy to app folder. permissions and reboot
LOL. Yep. If I didn't do it someone else would have;). We can't have 2 CTMod threads floating around out there. That would really confuse a lot of the newcomers. :)

That was EXACTLY what I was thinking.... Confusion for newbies.... Would have merged it myself if I could have... LOL... Just felt like messing around a little too... ;)
I don't know why, but I can't get the integrated apps2sd working at all with my sd card. I've followed the instructions and can't get it to show up. I'm on 3.6 and have CTMOD Can anyone provide some insight? I'm trying to install my apps to the sd card. I've fought with this for a while now. Thanks!
Quick question for you blood in the nakd ct mod theme it says you updated the browser, is the browser any diff, there is no changelog for what was updated about the browser, could you provide us with what u changed i mean its not hard to just install the new browser but is it worth the hassle or is it not a big deal.

Sorry didnt read first found my answer
I don't know why, but I can't get the integrated apps2sd working at all with my sd card. I've followed the instructions and can't get it to show up. I'm on 3.6 and have CTMOD Can anyone provide some insight? I'm trying to install my apps to the sd card. I've fought with this for a while now. Thanks!

Did you partition your SD card...
Quick question for you blood in the nakd ct mod theme it says you updated the browser, is the browser any diff, there is no changelog for what was updated about the browser, could you provide us with what u changed i mean its not hard to just install the new browser but is it worth the hassle or is it not a big deal.

I updated Chrome to fix some shit - Chrome.apk

Fixed a bug with it crashing on some sites
1 mb smaller then the one that comes with 3.6
Cleaned up some of the theming
You can delete the MxBrowser folder on your sdcard, everything goes to the Chrome folder now.

Is that the change you were looking for???

lol.. Nevermind...
I don't know why, but I can't get the integrated apps2sd working at all with my sd card. I've followed the instructions and can't get it to show up. I'm on 3.6 and have CTMOD Can anyone provide some insight? I'm trying to install my apps to the sd card. I've fought with this for a while now. Thanks!

tell me every step you have taken to try and set it up
Am I the only person having issues with the video camera on CTmod? Miui camera just force closes when I try to use the video camera (picture camera works fine) but when I tried the stock camera it actually gives me an error:
Please remount mmc card again

Anyone have any ideas?

Quick edit, I unmounted and remounted my sd card and still having the issue. Got a few other tricks in the bag to try but I'm doubting they're gonna work. :/

Tried tons of different things, nothing worked. Odined back to stock and it works perfectly. Flashed back to CTmod and not working. :(

It's either some sort of permission error (which I doubt because it can take still pictures fine) or one of the camera libraries is messed up or ... I dunno. I guess back to experimenting until I get a reply.

EDIT AGAIN: I upgraded to 3.6 and it works now. I still don't know what the problem was but it's gone now so it's obviously no longer a problem.
tell me every step you have taken to try and set it up

I boot into CWM and partition the card. I've partitioned it many times with different sizes and swaps. I've been trying 2GB with 256 swap lately. Once that's done, I turn the phone off. I then take out the SD card and put it into my laptop. I copy CTMod 3.6 onto the card and eject it. I put it in my phone, and boot into CWM. I install the zip from the sd card. That's it. I've tried formatting it with Minitool too. I have to be missing something simple somewhere.
I boot into CWM and partition the card. I've partitioned it many times with different sizes and swaps. I've been trying 2GB with 256 swap lately. Once that's done, I turn the phone off. I then take out the SD card and put it into my laptop. I copy CTMod 3.6 onto the card and eject it. I put it in my phone, and boot into CWM. I install the zip from the sd card. That's it. I've tried formatting it with Minitool too. I have to be missing something simple somewhere.

So what's the problem then? If you have a partition any app you installs automatically goes to your partition. If you want dalvik to go there too you have to follow koumas ssm instructions, if you want all of /data to be on your sdext you need to change the koumamad settings to data mode.
My parents live in the country, on the edge of the service area, so when I visit them my service is terrible. My phone is giving me the service beep and it eats my battery searching for the elusive signal. Is it possible to make these phones be able to send and receive texts using wifi?
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