< i have to re-initialize receiving updates on this thread...im getting behind!>
So i flashed 3.6 ,recent one...
then using that kouma apk, chose DATA
then using the kouma zip, flashed it for partitioning...
using CWM recovery, went into partitioning mode, chose the HIGHEST one, which was 4gigs, swap size was 0, it was good,successful.
rebooted, says 4gigs free space (internal) out of 16gig card Class4
i know its not 100% 16gigs, system resources..etc
I wanted to make it MORE than 4gigs, out of 16 it has 11gigs available, so maybe getting 6gigs of space..instead of the 4gigs.
Is that a limitation on prevail...or i missed a step.
this is a naked version of 3.6 with the kouma mod, meaning no apps,no user data...
so when i install the apps, it should reduce it from internal memory of 4gigs
and not have anything "moved to the sd card"
just trying to get it right on my phone, ever since i rooted my mothers phone shes always complaining...it hangs up...( her makeup clogs the screen or her finger nails, no not the long scary ones) something is always going wrong, i think she is just paranoid...she says she wants to go back to boost stock, not knowing its stuck at 160MB with bloatware...
but once i get 3.6 and partitioning right...everything is set up right, then ill know its her...say happy (late) mothers day, and walk away..lol
*side note, watching NEWS, ARBYS serves a Finger in its fries...*