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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

SAMSUNG GALAXY INDULGE... sure its there... Its the third one from the bottom.... (I think)... but yeah... You must've missed it....

And you won't be able to change the SETUP METHOD until you change the DEVICE PROFILE...

Found it, thanks....working on my 69 mustang...think maybe fumes are getting to me.lol
update message added more detail to NEW message,

a couple threads down..or click here.,

..or delete this one, only.

*cant seem to find the "delete this post" button.
This is not a complaint merely and observation ...I recently installed 3.6 w/the 2.5 kernel and was tinkering with the voltage settings and benchmarking. At 320/946/sio/performance my prevail was draining the battery faster than my charger could charge it. Again not complaining (certainly not leaving it set that way).
This is not a complaint merely and observation ...I recently installed 3.6 w/the 2.5 kernel and was tinkering with the voltage settings and benchmarking. At 320/946/sio/performance my prevail was draining the battery faster than my charger could charge it. Again not complaining (certainly not leaving it set that way).

Its clearly because the over locking was set higher then its supposed to be.
So battery defenetly should drain faster.
Unless you have a super battery! 8D
tether for root users in market. it same as the app on googlecode but it on market now cuz it a final release I guess. when you search it hey the one with black logo not green and white logo. works for me with indulge and softap set. don't set wifi driver to reload that caused me problems
something..strange happened...
after trying this tether app, someone would try to connect, and it would tell them, connecting...then disconnecting...that was with a non-rooted phone connecting...erhm, trying, to connect to me..

then i tried a rooted 3.6 phone...
thats where it gets weird...

it froze, i saw 2 logos on the screen, one greyed out one colored...what? yellow...i think

i tried to stop it...it lagged...then no confirmation..nothing, it just REBOOTED by it self... no warning.

Now....i installed that naked ctmod 3.6 theme, before this whole thing...it seemed to be working...i think some lag though...

..SO, after it boots, which it takes forever, 1minute or 2minutes
then it loaded,scanning media, took a bit longer.
it would FC some things, android.google,youtube,skyvi..

Now, i have an clock app, Sens Analog Clock, nice clock, shows time, and system info, memory..battery temp..etc- thats how i have it setup

by default, that app just shows the time..no other info.

So, yeah...it was just showing, the default look....no other information on it.

Also noticed, the CTMOD SETTINGS, kouma settings, instead of DATA mode (like i chose before) it was on SSM (Default)
now,when i did the kouma mod,partitioned it, booted, i chose data.

i flashed the zip, KoumaKernel 2.5 GB CWM
then in CW Recovery Partition settings, chose 4gigs and 0 swap...rebooted

then i installed the apk, Koumamod.apk 1.2

chose data, rebooted...im pretty sure at that point it was on data. but, now its stating SSM(default)

what would cause this?

under the current setup, is SSM (Default) the right mode (current Internal memory shows (3.5gigs)?

...i set the mode BACK to data, changed some settings,clock,app..etc to tell a difference after the reboot...then i rebooted, and all was set back to default. App drawer Still had all the apps

im just confused...thought i did it right the first time...but then this app+setting+theme+version?! may have been the wrong combo.

...I just did a Restore back to before the theme...and the tether app. and only a few apps.
clock settings are good so are some other settings, but it still states SSM(Default) or should it be data

Also, i noticed the app, Android Assistant, though it didnt do this before, and after the partition fix, now would pop up with a NEW app installed, and say it was moved to the SD-CARD, it does this w/o my permission...ive uninstalled it. because i thought, the built in apps2sd does this automatically...or what not.

i know this is alot to take in...recently ive been questioning if i did something wrong..

tether for root users in market. it same as the app on googlecode but it on market now cuz it a final release I guess. when you search it hey the one with black logo not green and white logo. works for me with indulge and softap set. don't set wifi driver to reload that caused me problems
Problems...strange...maybe same as me? it was,by default set to Force a Reload of driver...hmmm
Problems...strange...maybe same as me? it was,by default set to Force a Reload of driver...hmmm

Yes, on the play store description the developer said if you are having trouble uncheck the driver reload.

When I have that checked the tethering still works but when I turn off tethering and try to start up a wifi connection it shows an error. I would have to restart my phone to get it back running.

Sounds like something got corrupted when yours shut down. Backups are your friend, use them often.
I'm running the most current version of CTMod in SSM mode. I have a 16 gig card with 2 gigs for data and 2 gigs for swap. I can tell its moving most my apps to the SD card(thank you smart people) but I really don't know how to tell if the swap part is working. How can I check?
I'm running the most current version of CTMod in SSM mode. I have a 16 gig card with 2 gigs for data and 2 gigs for swap. I can tell its moving most my apps to the SD card(thank you smart people) but I really don't know how to tell if the swap part is working. How can I check?

In terminal do
cat /proc/swaps
It will show what is where

Or do
And it will list swap memory

I'm running the most current version of CTMod in SSM mode. I have a 16 gig card with 2 gigs for data and 2 gigs for swap. I can tell its moving most my apps to the SD card(thank you smart people) but I really don't know how to tell if the swap part is working. How can I check?

if in SSM did you flash the formatter zip? if so need to mkswap the 3rd partition cuz its ext4 now.
and did you go to koumamod and long click blank space and navigate to /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 and set priority 100 (still to be determined exactly how priority works but it'll work if you put 100)
if you get fc error let me know and I'll find link for 1.3. idk if this make 1.2 fc but some stuff did and 1.3 never has

any further swap questions should go to thread titled "virtual memory" since this is just a feature added with kernel not bloods creation. kernel thread may be appropriate too but it better to go to virtual memory since that why it there and keep traffic down on ROM or kernel specific threads.
Heres what my Battery life is like and I am guessing the cell standby is my phone losing its signal constantly


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When I put my phone in airplane mode or toggle 3g off then on 3g will not connect. If I reboot I will gett 3g to work again. I don't recall having this issue before 3.6. I wonder if I messed something up or if this is the rom.
When I put my phone in airplane mode or toggle 3g off then on 3g will not connect. If I reboot I will gett 3g to work again. I don't recall having this issue before 3.6. I wonder if I messed something up or if this is the rom.

It happens to me too I just deal with it if I go out of service area when I come back into service area sometimes the 3 g won't work unless I reboot. It doesn't happen a lot so like I said I kinda just deal with it .
u FA19 by any chance? I had similar problems before I just switched to ejo6. also changed prl but I think problem was both. it'd say 3g but no data was actually being downloaded and speed test would say between 30Kb-200Kb download or disconnect error.

ejo6 and prl uh... something I can check if you want. newest sprint business prl. 600Kb+ usually and 2amish I can usually get up to 1.3mb
u FA19 by any chance? I had similar problems before I just switched to ejo6. also changed prl but I think problem was both. it'd say 3g but no data was actually being downloaded and speed test would say between 30Kb-200Kb download or disconnect error.

ejo6 and prl uh... something I can check if you want. newest sprint business prl. 600Kb+ usually and 2amish I can usually get up to 1.3mb

ejo6 with prl12120 geting 2.37 Mbps down and .47 Mbps up while im at work. That is why i toggle. When im working I turn off 3g untill i get a break and then I switch it back on. Its ok I will just start leaving it on.
Its clearly because the over locking was set higher then its supposed to be.
So battery defenetly should drain faster.
Unless you have a super battery! 8D

I just thought it was awsome that the power comsumption was over taking the charger and I managed to run it for at least 30 min without crashing,fc, or melting the case ;)
u FA19 by any chance? I had similar problems before I just switched to ejo6. also changed prl but I think problem was both. it'd say 3g but no data was actually being downloaded and speed test would say between 30Kb-200Kb download or disconnect error.

ejo6 and prl uh... something I can check if you want. newest sprint business prl. 600Kb+ usually and 2amish I can usually get up to 1.3mb
me i never have ever played with prl's and still on the original stock one (61007) and have great reception exept in a so called hole's about maybe 1/2 to mile long. sevice great then bad for a bit then back to great. here in fla always run all bars and great 3g. but if in bad area then no 3g, full bars. pull over and reboot and back to great again without moving. just deal with it not that bad and not all the time??????
grey... what other 3g tweaks you use?
gprs class...
dtm or
seag3 or what ever it is

or if you could copy and paste text from your build.prop as well as any init.d scripts or sysctl.conf that deal with speed settings?
so we don't flood this thread
When I put my phone in airplane mode or toggle 3g off then on 3g will not connect. If I reboot I will gett 3g to work again. I don't recall having this issue before 3.6. I wonder if I messed something up or if this is the rom.

My neighbor gave me their wifi code, it is doing the same thing that we were talking about. When I was done I would just dial my voicemail and then hang up and 3 g would kick back on, lil bit quicker than rebooting the phone. Tried it a bunch of times it works everytime.
My neighbor gave me their wifi code, it is doing the same thing that we were talking about. When I was done I would just dial my voicemail and then hang up and 3 g would kick back on, lil bit quicker than rebooting the phone. Tried it a bunch of times it works everytime.

That's one new way to solve it. Lolz.
Hey. When your using wifi can you still use tapatalk. Mine seems to break with wifi.
A lot of my internet based apps won't work with wifi on. XP idk why!
That's one new way to solve it. Lolz.
Hey. When your using wifi can you still use tapatalk. Mine seems to break with wifi.
A lot of my internet based apps won't work with wifi on. XP idk why!

Yes it seems to work way faster with wifi , can really zip around.
Awesome job as usual. I bought a warp but since that piece of kaka is broken and now gone, I'm back. That its until Virgin unleashes there new HTC.
i was wondering about the partitioning and koumakernel settings in CTMOD settings.

if i Format my SD-EXT
then run that kouma.zip for the partition (do i really need to?)

reboot, it loads...shows internal mem at 117mb

in the KoumaKernel Settings, it shows SSM(Default)

so i go into recovery, install the KoumaKernel 2.5 GB CWM
its done.

reboot...go into KoumaKernel Mod Settings, change to DATA

should i click [ ] Disable internal/data

then i reboot it will show the 2gigs as internal.

Those are my new settings

yesterday it was the same except 4gigs for the partition and 0 swap.

but, battery died...plugged it in..rebooted and some settings were reset to default
and after i did this, the GPS would not work..maybe bad flash.

Now, i just did this, changed it from SSM to DATA, gps is working

just wondering...thanks
you don't have updated kouma mod apk. fixed a lot of bugs. if you want I can walk you through updating the app. I need to make a damn tut for this I keep helping people through PM and then getting same question
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