..dont rush perfection.
3.6 is a big difference for me, from 3.5, 3.2 was good.
but all i see next would be to perma-fix that MUI with file explorer? or what ever its called, i use that root explorer (purple folder icon) much better. its not on the market either..sad
..also putting the updated KoumaMOD 1.5 in there, the previous version, that comes with 3.6 was constantly resetting my settings after i rebooted, and would crash and reset everything...now 1.5 is good.
Though...im NOT sure, but i think the BLUETOOTH and/or GPS is acting up...could just be me, but in BLUETOOTH, i scan and Always get this ROKU device...no matter where or when. And the GPS, seems to lag a little or sometiimes not work...ill turn it on, it finds my location, but the next day, its like...im tired...and just doesnt want to play.
But....after fixing some crap..it could just be my issue, unless several other people have it.
Would be nice to have a Built-in-Theme manager.
i like some of these themes, but would also like to re-store the stock 3.6 theme...with out having to use CWM
But theres not much for 3.7 or 3.8, let alone 4.0
besides maybe some firmware updates or something...or some more enhancements. Id say 5.0 would be better, would sound nice, but im a car guy with a 5.0 '69 mustang.
but since 3.4/3.5 im not constantly looking for a next update, since 3.6 its been alot smoother, less headaches and workarounds.