I can confirm that it wasn't this way with TG-Reloaded. I just installed it last weekend and was using one of the default wallpapers without the touchiness I was getting with g60.
Have either of you tried setting the wallpaper from the Gallery? That still works. As for the touchiness, I've already reported that as a bug. See here:
0000013: Wallpaper selector is too sensitive - MantisBT
Also, if you want more wallpapers, go to the removed apps section of
mtdev.us and download
CMWallpapers.apk to get them back from the previous builds. Make sure you download and install that APK on your phone. But you're right, the wallpaper selection is too touchy. Thank you for your feedback!
If you want the FAQ, just look at the first post on the first page by g60madman. If you want a direct link to the FAQ,
click here.
Just discovered why I was having Gallery issues when trying to choose an image as wallpaper in Reloaded: it apparently gets indigestion on .GIF files. Does Android normally have issues with GIFs? .JPG files are no trouble at all.
It seems that Android does not natively support GIF images. That is probably because they are a proprietary format, and supporting them would cost the Android project and or Google copyright royalties. But the good news is I found a good app on the play store,
right here. Also, if you like the app enough and really want to use GIF wallpapers without that dumb watermark, please purchase the Pro version. It also helps support development. It apparently supports GIF wallpapers. Please tell me if you've had success.
Can anyone tell me where startup/shutdown audio files should go on this ROM?
I found a post that may be of assistance:
I basically can't watch YouTube videos right now without losing wifi connection! Help
Wifi likes to drop on my side, too, especially after heavy downloading and streaming. I'm going to try and convince g60madman to reopen this bug when he comes back from his break. (He deserved a break, for once!)

Hopefully I've successfully answered everybody's questions. Please, people, remember to post feedback if my answers have worked or not. If they have worked, thank me by pressing the thanks button. You don't have to write out an entire new post if everything's working correctly afterwards. Also, on a side note, before asking a question, remember to read g60madman's first post on page one. It has all sorts of helpful links, like ones to the FAQ we made together. Your question may be already answered there. If it's a new question, I'd be happy to answer it personally. I also do my best to add all of the previously asked questions to the FAQ so that nobody has to go through the same issues again.
EDIT: Thank you, agentc13, I had answered so many questions and forgot to combine the posts. Sorry about that!