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Root [ROM][PORT] Sharp ROM 2.2.2 for the Triumph (Updated: 12/16/12)

can the battery mod be applied with the gb theme without changing it to the stock look?

edit: nvmd, made my own lol
No offense to all the other developers, but this is the only useable rom for the Triumph. I don't understand why there is this rush to update from one version of android to the next when the most basic of features don't work yet. We need to get calling, camera, GPS, and good battery life going on all roms. I still don't understand why this phone has to have worse battery life than the optimus v when on standby and wifi connected. As a long time lurker, I just needed to get that off my chest.

Well, thank you OP for this great Rom. Here is my review:

*All standard phone features work. (That get's you an 'A' right there.)
*GPS - amazingly fast. (A+)
*Battery life - 4-5%/hour with wifi on. By far the best that I've seen of any Rom. (A++)
*Launcher - It looked good, but I dumped it for launcher pro. I don't really consider launchers to be a part of roms, but I have to say that this one did look good.
*Bloat - There is a fair amount of it. I would suggest moving everything not needed for a functional rom to /data/app. Most people use their own apps for file browsing/notes/voice...etc. Maybe even use a double installer. One zip being the core Sharp Rom, and the second being the optional features pack.

My only problems with the rom:
*The latest version of the app Tasker will FC on launch no matter what I do. I had a copy of a much older version that works for now, but the latest one from the market is a no go.
*When charging or connected to power, the led light will not let you know if you have messages. I would suggest having a solid red with a blinking green when charging and you have a message, and then a simple blinking green when fully charged and you have a message. I know this is possible. Add a 1 to /sys/class/leds/green/blink while charging and you'll see it in action.
*No easy way to reboot or reboot into recovery.

One last thing. I made a battery mod to get the battery percentage displayed. I thought I would share. This is for ver 4:
mediafire .com/?x4fc9yshzgnntfv

Thanks for the feedback.

I will be working on an unbloated release as soon as I get some kinks worked out. My intention, at first, was to release it as a Stock ROM, but it is becoming more of a Custom ROM by the day.

App compatibility is gonna be one of the hardest things to deal with.

There is an option in Settings>Display>LED for the notifications.

You are correct in saying "No easy way" for the reboot options to be put in to this, but I'm sure it will happen.

And last but not least, could you give some more details about the battery MOD. Is it just different icons or is it the 1% battery MOD? I ask cause I got kinda lost trying to get the 1% MOD into this, then got sidetracked.
About to take my GPS out on a couple thousand mile test drive. Last time I did this everyone was frustrated sitting 20 minutes getting off freeway for a GPS lock just to find certain stores along the way so we didn't gross each other out on gas station food. Thank You. Worth the donation and hopefully more to come. Will enjoy seeing what else can come from this ROM.
Ok, I'm getting close, got it to boot from a fresh install and everything seems to be working fine. Just have to do a lil more tweaking and testing. I'll post in a little while if everything goes well. This is built up from Ver2, just so you know.

Thank you for all of your support. Now I will be able to move on to getting some of the smaller details worked out and hopefully some nice MODs. Plus, I'll be able to delete all these test zips and make some room for some new ones. :D
There is an option in Settings>Display>LED for the notifications.


And last but not least, could you give some more details about the battery MOD. Is it just different icons or is it the 1% battery MOD? I ask cause I got kinda lost trying to get the 1% MOD into this, then got sidetracked.

I have that led option selected, but when the phone is charging the led is dedicated as a charge indicator. If you get a text, the led does not flash green until the phone is disconnected from the charger.

For the battery mod, I just used the UOT Kitchen. It is just a different icon with numbers on top. I'm not sure what the 1% mod is. The numbers increase by 1% at a time.
Just posted Ver5, the fresh install boot is fixed. You should be able to do a system reset now without any issues. MOD links will be down for a while as I go through and update them. Need some testers to make sure I didn't break anything. I updated the OP, I just rearranged stuff and hid most of it. I will refine it over time.

I have that led option selected, but when the phone is charging the led is dedicated as a charge indicator. If you get a text, the led does not flash green until the phone is disconnected from the charger.

For the battery mod, I just used the UOT Kitchen. It is just a different icon with numbers on top. I'm not sure what the 1% mod is. The numbers increase by 1% at a time.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do.
HA! The sun must be shining on me today. I sniped a Triumph to dev on, from ebay right after I posted about Ver5. :D
Very good rom. Flashed version 4 yesterday. Only problem I have is my phone does not go to deep sleep. Does anyone know the reason why it doesn't go to deep sleep?
Every once in a while when I power off it will reboot back on. Not a big deal but if I want to shut the phone off, I'd like to know its gona stay off.

Another thing I'm having is my Sense Analog Clock widget doesn't work right. I set it up on my screen and it works fine till I reboot the phone. I'll show you with screen shots. Probably chalk this up to app compatibility.

I'm on ver4


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I just installed this ROM, and WOW. Way cool. I won't be keeping it because I have my old ROM set "just right" for right now. I do plan on revisiting this one later, though. Great job Bsydz!
Hey BSydz, could you post a checksum that we could use to verify the build so we know we didn't get a bad download? I'm most familiure with MD5 myself.

I would like to publicly congratulate you on doing something no other ROM has done on the MT...WORKING GPS! Holly cow brother, I live in a very rural area, and I have never, I mean never gotten a lock here in town, and that includes using Wifi. I went to settings, location, and checked marked use GPS satellites, Use assisted GPS and GPS Epphemeris Auto. I then went to local and had a lock in about 10 seconds, remember I live in a rural area so I don't always get 3G so that was was on 1x. I thought "no way not possible" so I fired up Navigation and it locked on me in about 3 seconds. Freaking amazing sir!!! Lets not forget the sexy HDMI, and also clear video playback!! This ROM is hands down going to be my new daily driver at least until I get something comparable on CM7 (still working those blasted device files).

Anyways just know from one developer to another, this is a Job Well Done!


P.S. The MD5 is 1b7ec6e7575d4b0574e97d68ef1d5cef for V5

I would like to publicly congratulate you on doing something no other ROM has done on the MT...WORKING GPS! Holly cow brother, I live in a very rural area, and I have never, I mean never gotten a lock here in town, and that includes using Wifi. I went to settings, location, and checked marked use GPS satellites, Use assisted GPS and GPS Epphemeris Auto. I then went to local and had a lock in about 10 seconds, remember I live in a rural area so I don't always get 3G so that was was on 1x. I thought "no way not possible" so I fired up Navigation and it locked on me in about 3 seconds. Freaking amazing sir!!! Lets not forget the sexy HDMI, and also clear video playback!! This ROM is hands down going to be my new daily driver at least until I get something comparable on CM7 (still working those blasted device files).

Anyways just know from one developer to another, this is a Job Well Done!


P.S. The MD5 is 1b7ec6e7575d4b0574e97d68ef1d5cef for V5

G60, sick CM7 build. I have been following your build. I just got my MT couple weeks ago and just installed the Sharp 2.2.2.

Would you say that your CM7 build has a better battery life compared to this? Just looking for the best battery life at the moment.
Hello! I've decided to give this rom a try but I'm slightly confused. I'm wondering if you still have to flash ver. 2 of the rom first before flashing ver. 5? Thanks in advance!
Every once in a while when I power off it will reboot back on. Not a big deal but if I want to shut the phone off, I'd like to know its gona stay off.

Another thing I'm having is my Sense Analog Clock widget doesn't work right. I set it up on my screen and it works fine till I reboot the phone. I'll show you with screen shots. Probably chalk this up to app compatibility.

I'm on ver4
Thanks, I just saw the power down issue yesterday as I was testing. It only rebooted when it was shutdown with the usb cable plugged in. I never saw it happen any other time. And I haven't had that issue with Ver5. I messed some stuff up in Ver3 and built Ver4 off that, so hopefully things got ironed out in Ver5.

The clock widget does that, it happens mostly at boot and when you mount the SD card. I think it has to do with the SD card being ready. It has always done that on any ROM I have used.

I would like to publicly congratulate you on doing something no other ROM has done on the MT...WORKING GPS! Holly cow brother, I live in a very rural area, and I have never, I mean never gotten a lock here in town, and that includes using Wifi. I went to settings, location, and checked marked use GPS satellites, Use assisted GPS and GPS Epphemeris Auto. I then went to local and had a lock in about 10 seconds, remember I live in a rural area so I don't always get 3G so that was was on 1x. I thought "no way not possible" so I fired up Navigation and it locked on me in about 3 seconds. Freaking amazing sir!!! Lets not forget the sexy HDMI, and also clear video playback!! This ROM is hands down going to be my new daily driver at least until I get something comparable on CM7 (still working those blasted device files).

Anyways just know from one developer to another, this is a Job Well Done!


P.S. The MD5 is 1b7ec6e7575d4b0574e97d68ef1d5cef for V5
Thank you. It seems that the GPS still knocks it down to 1x but even when it shows 1x it is still faster than 3G was before for me. I live in the city but even my friends with sprint don't get jack for 3G where I live.

Good luck with those device files, I have been following you guys over there. I swear I had an account when I had my Intercept, but couldn't find my reg info anywhere, so I had to make a new account. I was gonna post some ideas, but I'm not gonna post a bunch of stuff on dead threads, just to get full access.

And by no means am I a dev, yet. :D But, thank you for your kind words, and thanks for the md5.

Hopefully, I can make some head way on getting GB on our phone since I got a dev phone that I can experiment on and not have to worry about jacking my phone up.
Hello! I've decided to give this rom a try but I'm slightly confused. I'm wondering if you still have to flash ver. 2 of the rom first before flashing ver. 5? Thanks in advance!
All of the issues that Ver3 and 4 had should be gone now. You can just install Ver5 or flash it over a fresh install of b_randons stock deodexed ROM to fix the voicemail *86 issue.

All of the MODs will be down until I get them fixed for Ver5, They were causing issues, so I had to yank them. Just trying to save everybody a headache, they will be back up shortly.
I had another issue this morning. I went to turn on the phone from sleep mode. and nothing. I thought that's weird, well maybe the battery drained over night. Except it was on the charger all night. I went to plug the charger in, and no LED. Now that was really odd. So I did a battery pull and tried it again then it powers up and runs fine. Its like it was in an ultra deep sleep. Any ideas?
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