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Root [ROM] unSENSEable V2.1 |3D|Fast|Lite|Great Battery| Now Overclocking|Buttered Toast| 04/11/13 |

Try 4EXT recovery.

I'm gonna do a quick flash and see if I have wifi and whatnot. I can't test 4G or bluetooth...since I don't have either of those..
Been running this 4 hours. Amazingly smooth. Battery life seems great as well. I don't know what you did, but I like it.

WiFi and 4G and 3G all work great. My Speed test with 4G was faster than WiFi.

Made sure I did factory reset, than wiped Cache and Dalvik, and finally I formated the partitions. Restored with Titanium. Reset my ringtones and everything is normal.
How does that make you feel? :hmmmm:

I just used the "wipe all partitions (exept sd card)" option in 4EXT and i usually do it twice. Am i supposed to do something else?

wipe dalvik cache. do me a favor Redownload the current version. Format all partions. ( like you have been doing) then wipe dalvik cache and flash the ROM. If that dont work come see me

I had 6 people test out the ROM. And they had ZERO issues
long press power button >im pretty sure screenshot is in there . If not vol down + power button always works
Did you format all partitions. And wipe dalvik b4 you flashed?

Ok so after my little trip

1 formatted/factory reset, then i wiped all cache and dalvik, then I formatted all partitions, then installed the rom, still I cannot turn on Wifi or 4g Same issue. booo :mad:
Its cool I really like the ROM and want to get it working. I did also Wipe all after the install as well, which changed your magical boot animation but still nothing. I am using 4ext because S-ON due to running windows 8 the nifty S-on tool is not compatible with windows 8 YET lalala lemons I must say on the link/site whre your archive is hosted it does say its only 347mb yet when finished downloading the ROM archive size is 355mb.
Ya.new version is a little bigger
You should never wipe all after a install. Then there is nothing to boot up.
Have you tried redownloading?
Do that. Redownload over wifi
Then format all partitions(except SD)
wipe Dalvik
Then install

Congrats on a solid ROM! While the overall feel of the ROM is very Jelly Beanish which is damn nice, I have a few suggestions which may have been already brought up. Please take my feedback as a way of helping, I have made a few ROM's in my day so just lending a helping hand :D

1. Mail.apk is missing, I would include this for people like myself that use their device for work purposes. I ran into this when I started CM7 development and didn't use it so I figured no one did so I removed it.

2. When I installed your ROM it replaced my theme for 4EXT.

3. Gmail.apk, while some people love customized Gmail app's others like myself like the stock feel, some one can always go back and replace it with a customized Gmail.apk.

4. The blue coloring is a bit much for me, not sure how others feel. I only bring this up because if you are shooting for a Jelly Beanish theme you may want to go back and look into changing this to be more aligned. If this is the color you where shooting got then WTG!

Short of that, this is a very good looking ROM and I appreciate your time you have spent on this. I of all people know the amount of time and effort that goes into making a ROM. Keep up the good work!

Thank you. I appreciate your input. I hope to be on your level some day I'm still learning. Not even a year ago I was scared to root my intercept. I've been learning quick
It seems that you two are the only ones having issues with WiFi and 4G. Flash JMZ KERNEL right after a fresh install and reboot. Make sure SMARTFLASH Is enabled tell me If that fixes your issues

Jmz kernel. http://db.tt/lECHmaG9

It fixed it. But i had already done that with MAC kernel and i
t fixed it. The point was it didnt work stock
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