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Root [ROM] unSENSEable V2.1 |3D|Fast|Lite|Great Battery| Now Overclocking|Buttered Toast| 04/11/13 |

Has anyone else had issues and not reported them? Because so far I've only heard from 2 people that they had issues in the ROM
No issues here from me when I was using it. Wifi worked, Data worked. 4G I don't know...don't get WiMax here. Seemed smooth and to work fine on my end.
Wifi, 3g and 4g all work for me.
On another ROM I did have problems turning on Wifi and Data. Turned out you had to use the Toggle to do it, not the settings. Weird.
It could be kernel related if they are S-on.

This is my favorite ICS ROM. It is the one I keep returning to and 1.4 is keeper.

g60madman's endorsement speaks volumes, as his ROM were what worked best for me on the MotoTri.
Maybe they are s on and don't have smartflash? I know it can cause issues like that.

They should try 4ext recovery. They need to factory data reset, wipe cache and dalvik cache, and finally format all partitions except SD. From my understanding they r trying a dirty flash ) lemme k if:)elp anyone in anyw

After using the ROM some more I noticed a few other things.

1. Bluetooth with Beats Audio ROCKS! I think Mobster incorporating the Sony engine really assisted in quality sound over the Bluetooth FM Receiver I have. When using Harmonia I never had this quality of sound over Bluetooth in my car with or with out beats audio on. A lot of my music has many cuts and phat beats and it was a pleasure rocking it up on the way home!

2. 3G, and 4G worked perfect turned it on and was flying. Sucks I only get to use 4G when I am in the city :(

3. Bluetooth and Google Now. Since this is a port of Google Now it's not working as well I as I would hope. The Google voice dial was terrible and would not dial normal contacts. Also the Google Now loud sound bug really degrades the ROM. I would recommend pulling Google Now and offering it as a flashable version as to not take away from the quality ROM you are creating.

Again just my two cents man. When you work hard and release a ROM your going to hear complaints of people not working, or people that tell you to change this or change that :p At the end of the day this is your baby, and you sir can do what ever you want :D
....and whats really nice about this is, now dont get me wrong harmonia is amazing and so is lesliann, but beats actually doesnt work on sense music player unless it is a sense 4.0+ rom. you have to have stock android player. and please forgive if anything i say is in-accurate or incorrect, I'm farely new to flashing and all this, but i have caught on quite quick;)
Again just my two cents man. When you work hard and release a ROM your going to hear complaints of people not working, or people that tell you to change this or change that :p At the end of the day this is your baby, and you sir can do what ever you want :D

I agree 100%. Feedback is important, but you are the artist who is creating this ROM. You are the one who needs to be content with your creation. Thank you for your willingness to let us give input. Just make sure you enjoy what you are doing.
Hey guys. I think I may have found the issue with your 4g and WiFi. This is a theory. Unzip the ROM. Open the system folder. Delete the 4EXT folder. Zip back up and Flash.. I will have a update ASAP....That actually shouldn't be in there. It's my bad. My theory is it's messing with the ROM flashing correctly because you're S-ON. that folder is really only meant for me. I forgot to delete it before distributing. I also believe this is the reason that G60'S theme was overwritten.
When I flashed this ROM for the first time, mobile network was toggled off by default. I know that probably isn't the problem, but sometimes it is something that simple
Yes most non-sense roms, due to not having the initial htc setup, come that way. Turn mobile/wifi on, add google account, good to go!
I don't know if this has been happening to others, but to me its happened 4 times where just my in my general daily usage ill be in and out of dead spots in my house n what not. It will randomly it refuse to reconnect to network after leaving the dead spot. I've tried placing in airplane mode n turning back on no luck. The only way that found to solve the issue is to do a full reboot. this only seems to of happened rom ver- 1.4 i was on rom ver 1.2 for a week or so with no issue like this. i would of reported earlier but i make it a habbit to not report anything for atleast a few days after a flash. Its not to big of a deal but still i thought i should say. N nsciucco thanks for the roms
Anyone have just straight issues with installing 1.4? I been trying different roms and finally applied all the evo 3d fixes. 1.2 installs just fine. Just made the switch from Zr3dx.

I've already got my hboot back at 1.57 like it was before hand.
Hey guys. I think I may have found the issue with your 4g and WiFi. This is a theory. Unzip the ROM. Open the system folder. Delete the 4EXT folder. Zip back up and Flash.. I will have a update ASAP....That actually shouldn't be in there. It's my bad. My theory is it's messing with the ROM flashing correctly because you're S-ON. that folder is really only meant for me. I forgot to delete it before distributing. I also believe this is the reason that G60'S theme was overwritten.

FIXED IT !!!!!

Ok soo I too was thinking about the 4ext.

Soo I went back installed 1.2 version of the ROM loaded it, then installed the 4ext recovery app from the site. . The free one, ran the 4ext recovery upgr one time updated it. . then rebooted into recovery.
"Origionionally I got an error once where the 4ext recovery was giving me an error saying it was not configured and told me to run it when in the ROM. . soo """"

anyway soo now I wiped everything including format SD card then toggled usb within the recovery transferred the NEW 1.4 mobster rom over to the SD card which was empty. . made sure nothing else was on the sd card. . installed the ROM and walla restarted and whoooop it works.

I know i write like shit sorry for not describing fully my actions but I hope you get the idea. . I think just removing that 4ext folder from the SD card would have done the trick like you suggested.
FIXED IT !!!!!

Ok soo I too was thinking about the 4ext.

Soo I went back installed 1.2 version of the ROM loaded it, then installed the 4ext recovery app from the site. . The free one, ran the 4ext recovery upgr one time updated it. . then rebooted into recovery.
"Origionionally I got an error once where the 4ext recovery was giving me an error saying it was not configured and told me to run it when in the ROM. . soo """"

anyway soo now I wiped everything inculding format SD card then toggled usb within the recovery transfered the NEW 1.4 mobster rom over to the SD card which was empty. . made sure nothing elsee was on the sd card. . installed the ROM and walla restarted and whoooop it works.

So you are running 1.4 with no issues?
Hey guys. I think I may have found the issue with your 4g and WiFi. This is a theory. Unzip the ROM. Open the system folder. Delete the 4EXT folder. Zip back up and Flash.. I will have a update ASAP....That actually shouldn't be in there. It's my bad. My theory is it's messing with the ROM flashing correctly because you're S-ON. that folder is really only meant for me. I forgot to delete it before distributing. I also believe this is the reason that G60'S theme was overwritten.

So you are running 1.4 with no issues?

10 minutes no issues LOL Im a little excited but yeah so far no issues.
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