New build of BACKside is up!
Download via the BacksideUpdater in your app drawer
md5sum d90fc847bfc23d4d7148d4f71bdefbb4
-- Synced with CyanogenMod
---- Fix for quick unlock bug that prevented passwords over 8 characters from working
---- Workaround (read hack) for allowing more systemui elements to be themed
---- Typo fixed in dalvik that caused some thread crashes
---- Three fixes in webkit to prevent crashes due to garbage collection
-- Added the ability to show or hide system icons in the status bar including wifi - 3g - bluetooth - sync - gps
-- Fixed the delay bug in home key double tap to launch custom activity
-- Added ability to check radio version to BacksideUpdater
To hide system icons in the status bar:
Settings>>CyanogenMod settings>>Interface>>Status bar tweaks>>System icon settings
Uncheck the ones you want to hide, or choose Hidden in the popup window for Battery and Phone
Note- You may need to scroll back to the top and Click To Restart Status Bar after making changes
To set an app or shortcut to launch on double tap of your home key:
Settings>>CyanogenMod settings>>Input>>Double tap home behaviour
To check your radio version in the BacksideUpdater, long-press the screen and a popup message will appear.
Thanks as always to Blarf, BobZhome, mrg666, tdm, LeslieAnn, Whyzor, bigsupersquid, thekraven, the CM team, the AOSP team, and a whole lot more!