I'm staying. I've been trying to help out as much as possible, but this is my first Droid phone, like many others here, and before this one, I had a Blackjack. "Boo Microsoft." lol
Terminology is a speculative thing. You might say one thing and believe it to mean something, while to another person, it could mean something quite different. Honestly, I don't know how/why everything got so heated. Working on Icarus, CM6 and now CM7 took a good bit a research. It took me months (I ported CM6 in January) to get things working the way they do. I wasn't offended by what you said, merely explaining that I, and every other developer who works on ROMs, do the same thing the Huawei employee does...just for free. Yes, I do use the term "hacker," but mostly as a joke.
Like I've said before, it used to be a HUGE running joke around the Ascend community about Gingerbread running on the Ascend. I've held onto my Ascend for this long because I was afraid if I stopped development on this phone, there wouldn't be anyone else to really take over. For the most part, I've been right. I don't want money or praise (although beer money would be good
), but just respect/appreciation for the hard work I've put in this phone and my respective projects.
Now, back to CM7. I noticed the GPS position is sometimes wonky. I've been pushing some fixes to my repos to hopefully fix that. To the CM7 builders out there, you can build from repo with the new fixes as they're up. I've also pushed some fixes for the SDCARD/Vold/NParts issue. The disappearing USB menu fix has not come yet (I don't think), but I hope somebody has noticed over in CM hacker land.
P.S. Water under the bridge people. I really don't want this CM7 thread to get locked, so let's just all bask in the warm glow of CM7 and enjoy some Gingerbread cookies.