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Root Rooting questions/TacoROOT issues

k when flashing or using the kernal is it supost to come with a app to log in to it cuz this anthrx dose not so how would i make ajustments to it if i wanted to

ok yet some more reading for you:


you will need setcpu app found in the play store to scale the cpu to your liking. my suggestion is to read the threads i linked first.
have nto came across anything in my readins sor far what is a bootloop

ok so when your phone powers up there are two main screens that you see. the first is the htc white screen. this is called the splash screen. next comes the sprint animation. this is called the bootanimation. on customr roms these most likely will be changed to something that the dev likes. anyways a bootloop is an endless cycle where it goes from the splashscreen to that bootanimation and it just cycles from there over and over again until the battery runs out or you pull the battery out.

not really a good place to have your phone in. most of the time it can be easily fixed as long as you have a custom recovery.
have nto came across anything in my readins sor far what is a bootloop
I know, alot of reading but reading is knowledge, knowledge is power:p
Bootloops are when you phone keeps shutting down the starting up to the bootanimation screen or so, then shuts off and does it again.
When using set cpu and trying to overclock or underclock, then checking the box to set at boot, and if your phone cannot handle either under/over clock , it will bootloop because you checked the "set at boot" box.
here is a real good question i have not see

what if some one switches roms all time like changes them dayly

well that mess up the phone or destableze it in any way ?

ans with thes kinda phones are there liek a defragmenting programing like computers have sents doing all the changing and loading and unloading putting holes in the memory and space in it
good knowlage thank you for that that was to the point then let me ask this

so do more roms come with kernal d/ls that go with the roms?

or is it better to control it yourself ?

if i ever get a bootloop can if be fixed?

what do you guys like to do or the dev like to do ?

sents i am a a newbe what should i do ?
here is a real good question i have not see

what if some one switches roms all time like changes them dayly

well that mess up the phone or destableze it in any way ?

ans with thes kinda phones are there liek a defragmenting programing like computers have sents doing all the changing and loading and unloading putting holes in the memory and space in it
It wont de-stabilize it as long as you wipe correctly.
Defragmenting? Dont think so.
There are people 'round here that flash different roms alot but not me. As far as flashing daily that would, to me, be a pain in the butt.
However, there is an app called boot manager pro which will allow you to "store" roms on the sd card and quickly change roms but I dont use it....
here is a real good question i have not see

what if some one switches roms all time like changes them dayly

well that mess up the phone or destableze it in any way ?

ans with thes kinda phones are there liek a defragmenting programing like computers have sents doing all the changing and loading and unloading putting holes in the memory and space in it
nope you will be fine. flashing roms will not hurt the phone what so ever. in fact we have a flashaholics anomynous group if you would like to join cuz it can get addicting. so a word of warning.;)

anyways flashing roms can be a good thing as you will be wiping the dalvik cache and cache in the process. these should be wiped regularly to help keep the phone running smooth.

good knowlage thank you for that that was to the point then let me ask this

1.so do more roms come with kernal d/ls that go with the roms?

2.or is it better to control it yourself ?

3.if i ever get a bootloop can if be fixed?

4.what do you guys like to do or the dev like to do ?

sents i am a a newbe what should i do ?

1.yes all roms will need a kernel of some sort.

2.not sure what you mean there. you will need setcpu to fine tune the kernel to your liking.

3.yes. like i said in my previous post. as long as you have recovery it most likely can be fixed.

4.not sure what you mean. i like flashing new roms that come out. i like to flash kernels to help better my phone. i like to try out some mods or themes that come out for each rom.

as far as what you should do? well take it slow for now and try out some roms and kernels and see how they play on your phone and we will go from there.
@mikemike1234.....I understand your curiosity and wanting to know the answers. And it's great you want to learn, I'm the same way, but I cant help feel you want to do too much at once being new to all this as you said.
I would recommend taking it slow, flashing your rom, perhaps a kernel and read as you are doing but dont do too much too soon.
I'd really hate to see you run into a problem that we need to try to figure out when you tried too many things at once and need to narrow it down.:(
Like I said, it's great to learn but be sure to have a complete understanding of what you are doing before you try it.:)
And please don't take this the wrong way, but I just want to tell you what I see here. k?:D
what doy ou guys think of rom manager and

rom tool box

not taking any thing wrong way but i am asking questions because every one is contradicting them selves so i want ot be clear on things

by that i mean one person says somthing another say somethen diff

a web site say something and a nother says another

one guide says something another says another

think you get the point

but i well stop asking questons

and i understand i should go to another room to ask there qestions you are right this room was ment ot fix my issue and i have gone way of the topic an subject

if there was a room for newbys that have qestions and need guidents pleaese direct me to that room
what doy ou guys think of rom manager and

rom tool box

not taking any thing wrong way but i am asking questions because every one is contradicting them selves so i want ot be clear on things

by that i mean one person says somthing another say somethen diff

a web site say something and a nother says another

one guide says something another says another

think you get the point

but i well stop asking questons

and i understand i should go to another room to ask there qestions you are right this room was ment ot fix my issue and i have gone way of the topic an subject

if there was a room for newbys that have qestions and need guidents pleaese direct me to that room

well rom manager, i think most here on this forum will agree is not to be used. it is way too buggy and it will only work if you have clockwork mod recovery which is not very good as recoveries go. DO NOT USE IT. do everything in recovery.

and as far as rom toolbox is concerned. i just do not trust apps that claim to be an all in one. i would rather have an app that can do one thing and do it well. but many here might have different opinion. that is just mine.

and you have to keep in mind that they are just opinions and everybody will most likely have different ones then from mine.

and as far as questions go. keep it coming. please do not ever feel bad asking them. i rather have you ask them then not ask them and you having to brick your phone cuz you did not ask any questions.

and as far as keeping this thread off topic? that is up to you. you can always just create another one for each issue that you have.....or you can keep it here. up to you either way.
well just seams that would be better seems that

no no affence i have up set mikestony for asking ot many

due to some reason or anther gues i have becum anoing

so guess i i well just do that

if i can ask my last question how would i transfer this thread to a new on
well just seams that would be better seems that

no no affence i have up set mikestony for asking ot many

due to some reason or anther gues i have becum anoing

so guess i i well just do that

if i can ask my last question how would i transfer this thread to a new on
I am not upset;)..I'm just concerned you will overwhelm yourself and end up getting confused that's all....I really do want this to work for you and, yes, please ask questions. That's how you learn and that is good!
But I don't want you to try too many things at once and then have something go awry and have to try to figure out what went wrong. k?
Me and you are cool....you and everyone here are cool.:D
Ask away my friend.!
You are NOT becoming annoying:p
k here is a question

sound like fromt eh reading kernals for dumies

sound to me that there is no diff between kernals and govners or am i wrong

cuse sound liek kernals are for the most part preset to the best performance

and the govnors alow you to do the conroling of whatyou want that it be bat life or performance

am i wront or wrong

sorrry asking cuze some of it was tech talk i guess
and it sound liek some of this is already preinstailed on teh phoen i noted before i rooted an got teh new rom there was a ap that let me control what got power

like if my bat ws ding or started to dy ther was a menu that wold pop up sometiems that allowed you to divert power to what app you want or service you wanted to

like it would taek pwer away from like me making calles and put it to the bat and it woudl do other things cant remb what app or menu it is under

do these kernal and gov work in the same way

is that what i should be taking form the reading
k here is a question

sound like fromt eh reading kernals for dumies

sound to me that there is no diff between kernals and govners or am i wrong

cuse sound liek kernals are for the most part preset to the best performance

and the govnors alow you to do the conroling of whatyou want that it be bat life or performance

am i wront or wrong

sorrry asking cuze some of it was tech talk i guess

think of kernels as software that acts as a go between hardware (battery) and software (android os). and that setcpu is the one controlling the kernel. governors will control how fast the scaling occurs and when. each kernel does have a preset governor(it is usually smartass), but you can always change the governor. it is not necessarily set to be the best performance as kernels will always react differently.
and it sound liek some of this is already preinstailed on teh phoen i noted before i rooted an got teh new rom there was a ap that let me control what got power

like if my bat ws ding or started to dy ther was a menu that wold pop up sometiems that allowed you to divert power to what app you want or service you wanted to

like it would taek pwer away from like me making calles and put it to the bat and it woudl do other things cant remb what app or menu it is under

do these kernal and gov work in the same way

is that what i should be taking form the reading

not necessarily governors. you can have profiles that will kick in at certain points to help save battery. however, having too many profiles can be counter productive as the phone will never sleep correctly due to the fact that it will be always on the lookout for the profiles that you set. if you are going to have any profiles the only one i would recommend is screen off. but smartass, smartass v2, and interactive x governors have screen off profiles built in. those are the ones i recommend.
so in a sens i need when i get a rom

i need not not lonely get a kernal or the curnal if recommend when getting the rom i also needot get a govnor zip flash
and i also read ther yo can not onlyget roms youcan get scems or profles and wlpapers an skiins ect nwo thought most of that was built in ot the roms
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