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Root Rooting questions/TacoROOT issues

ocn the guide says for it to be turned on

as far as the other i dotn have the phone at the moment my wife is at work i well not have it tell 11pm tonight after i get off work

if what would that make a diff becase it still reconizing it when i pu the steps 7 8 9 in and the phone reboots in to recovery

the only thing i could think of is that do i need to remove the unrevoked software from when i did my phone would that be a issue

or the divece manager be reading my phone stil and not hers

dont know if that makes a diff cuz the phoen are comepley identical as far as i am aware

how ever that still woudl not make sents cuz the first 3 commands it obays into recocery
yes i get ot 11 i put the step 11 command in i get he number sign

then i put step 12 the first command yes that is when give me the command reply that i have pasted before
anything eles you like me to do or check when i get home at that time hope others are up but nto counting on it
Unfortunately I gave you the last advice I had to offer, since I can't figure out what's wrong - try the other method. HTCDev works perfectly fine, and can be considered a "safer" alternative as it's an "official" method from the device manufacturer.

I see no reason at this point to continue trying to troubleshoot the issue, which is very difficult to do without being in direct contact with the device and understanding all of the variables involved.

Is there any reason you're hesitating to try the other method?
k mikestony you asked to see if the phone is being reconized by the computer i guess i put you command in that you wanted me to here is the reply

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT07AHL17445 device

then you said to go go head and do steps 11 and 12

got to 12 again an got the same reply to the step

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb shell
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
/sdcard/flash_image: No such file or directory
then you said to go go head and do steps 11 and 12

got to 12 again an got the same reply to the step

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb shell
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
/sdcard/flash_image: No such file or directory
While in adb shell, issue these commands:
cd /sdcard
And then:
ls flash*
Let's see what that gives us.
then you said to go go head and do steps 11 and 12

got to 12 again an got the same reply to the step

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb shell
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
/sdcard/flash_image: No such file or directory
Well, I see that it does recognize the phone, so thats good.
However, I also see the same error you always get and at that point, I do not know what other advice I can offer, as we have tried all options to find out what's going on.
For some reason, it does not see the flash_image on your sd card.:(
At this point, I personally would try the HTCdev method to see if that will work for your wife's phone.
I honestly do not know what is going on and for that I am sorry.:(
k i do have a valid question on her phone dose the
part under this part need to be checked

settings / applications / unknown sources

dose that need to be checked because i have noticed that is it on my phone but not on hers

the reson i am asking is because it states underit

allow installation of non-martket applications

i did know if this would have caused a issue or not because we are trying ot instiall somthing
her eis what you wanted capt.

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
# cd /sdcard
cd /sdcard
# ls flash*
ls flash*
flash*: No such file or directory
also i went ahead an looed under my pc device manager even thow the comd adb device says that is is there and all it should under my pc device manger is

android usb device

htc sync

if that helps
and even thow it is in the loop i have dicribed to you guys be for at this point

i alos looked in the device manager under disk drive and it is shoing

htc andriod phone usb device

sent it si son charge only that should not be happening
and sents you guys are recommanding i do the htc devo meth

would you like to anwser some questions on it or you want em to start a new thread on it
her eis what you wanted capt.

C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\android>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
# cd /sdcard
cd /sdcard
# ls flash*
ls flash*
flash*: No such file or directory
so according to the above, there is no file on the root of the sdcard called "flash_image", or any file starting with the word "flash", at all. That's still our problem. I'm going to go back and look at the screen shots again.
k let me know capt.

and well start that thread
I don't see anywhere in the screenshots where you actually show us that the files are on the root of the sdcard. I see the files, but I can't see where they actually are. According to adb, they're not on the root of the card, so I'm guessing they must be in a folder, which is what must be causing the error.
capt. that post 435 that has teh 4 att that i did finaly for you

first . pic
the sdcard

second pic
should be showing you i d/l the files to desk top

third and forth should be me showing you the files after i extracted thme and what they looke like after teh extraction
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