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Root Step by Step Rooting Instructions: for Huawei Ascend

after z4rooted my fone shut off and freezes at the metro start up screen... i took out battery turned it off n on but the same thing keeps happening .. also when stuck at screen if someone calls the call will go thru but after i hang up it goes to a blank screen n i cant do anything.. please help
Ok, so for some reason, my phone bricked. Long story, the good people at MetroPCS figured the best way to remedy this was a hard reset and an upgrade.

Now, I went along with this because someone here said Z4 still works. It doesn't. Non rooted, this phone is shit. I can't overclock it I can't use vm heap nor Blade buddy and I'm stuck with stock bullshit. Please help.
So I have my Ascend overclocked:min 245, Max 710. Honeycomb Music player, Launcher Pro, different Honeycomb morphs. Seems like I have everything I need. Any other suggestions that improve performance/appearance?
Download CACHE CLEANER NG,SD MAID, & MASQED CRUSADER from the ANDROID MARKET.If you ever start to experience SMS/MMS problems,get APN MANAGER.
I am rooted, but when using Masqed Crusader, it says busybox is not installed, so I tried installing it and it says Root Not Detected.
This is my problem i have z4root per on my phone it is a metro pcs ascend (android) i downloaded applanet (should i use something else?) but it says that a network error has been detected so i have no idea what to do about this and it will not let me get any apps PLEASE HELP
This is my problem i have z4root per on my phone it is a metro pcs ascend (android) i downloaded applanet (should i use something else?) but it says that a network error has been detected so i have no idea what to do about this and it will not let me get any apps PLEASE HELP

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I have 05042011 cm7. When using z4root, can't unroot. After selecting unroot, it automatically says it's unrooted, but goes back to Re-Root Unroot screen.
I have 05042011 cm7. When using z4root, can't unroot. After selecting unroot, it automatically says it's unrooted, but goes back to Re-Root Unroot screen.

cm7 comes rooted, theres no need to unroot cm7 there is apps that requires root to run them and trying to unroot cm7 will have alot of FC's
Well I think messed up. Can't use Barnacle tethering, and I really need it right now

why not flash the latest build, 05212011 only takes about 5 minutes to be up and running... been some major fixes from the old build you have to the latest.
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