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The Huawei Ascend VIP Lounge !!!

Got tired of the forwarded calls to voicemail last night and went to Sprint and picked up the Samsung Epic 4G with 2.2

I'm going to flash the Ascend back to stock and do a factory reset this weekend. Even though I had the number ported Cricket still has 3G internet service on the Ascend. :D

I am going to give the Ascend to my mom (Net10 phone) for internet use (when wifi is available). It is a very good phone for basic internet use.
Got tired of the forwarded calls to voicemail last night and went to Sprint and picked up the Samsung Epic 4G with 2.2

I'm going to flash the Ascend back to stock and do a factory reset this weekend. Even though I had the number ported Cricket still has 3G internet service on the Ascend. :D

I am going to give the Ascend to my mom (Net10 phone) for internet use (when wifi is available). It is a very good phone for basic internet use.
I hate to lose any more cool people from the ascend crew, but I can't really blame you. With a family plan plus a work discount, you're probably not paying much more than you were anyway. I've been thinking about switching to sprint myself. I'm tired of the 1gb data cap on cricket, and the nexus s 4g looks sweet- no more worrying about getting updates. Anyway, have fun with the new phone, and stop by and bs with us any time. Let us know how you like it.
I hate to lose any more cool people from the ascend crew, but I can't really blame you. With a family plan plus a work discount, you're probably not paying much more than you were anyway. I've been thinking about switching to sprint myself. I'm tired of the 1gb data cap on cricket, and the nexus s 4g looks sweet- no more worrying about getting updates. Anyway, have fun with the new phone, and stop by and bs with us any time. Let us know how you like it.

The best thing about the Ascend, for me, was this forum. Doesn't have the same feel over at Epic.

I was able to get a 25% work discount, talked the sales guy into charging me $6 dollars instead of $36 for activating (they don't let the customer activate when buying from a Sprint store), and $120 credit on future bill for switching carriers (Cricket to Sprint). In a way, it's like a rebate for the Epic ($120 rebate). I only end up paying 80 dollars for it after I get that credit. I paid $140 for the Ascend.

It's nice to have a phone (Epic) that you don't have to spend countless hours working on (Ascend) just to make it function as it is supposed to (receive calls, etc.). 2.2 with no bugs is great.

The only thing I am doubting is if I should have got the HTC Arrive. Playon isn't working for me on the Epic to play Netflix. I wouldn't need Playon to play Netflix with the HTC Arrive. The downside of the HTC Arrive is that it is only 3G. The Epic will be able to pick up 4G when we go to Chicago in the summer and when it finally arrives in Wisconsin.
It's true - every device forum takes on a personality, that to me personally seems to reflect the mindset of those making a particular carrier/phone choice - or is influenced by its leaders, either way. Something like that.

Agreed tho, the Ascend group is one of the most friendly and helpful.
It's true - every device forum takes on a personality, that to me personally seems to reflect the mindset of those making a particular carrier/phone choice - or is influenced by its leaders, either way. Something like that.
Yes, ZTE's typos can be seen in the Blade forum :D
It's true - every device forum takes on a personality, that to me personally seems to reflect the mindset of those making a particular carrier/phone choice - or is influenced by its leaders, either way. Something like that.

Agreed tho, the Ascend group is one of the most friendly and helpful.
It's not the same without Jazziette, though. :(
The best thing about the Ascend, for me, was this forum. Doesn't have the same feel over at Epic.

I was able to get a 25% work discount, talked the sales guy into charging me $6 dollars instead of $36 for activating (they don't let the customer activate when buying from a Sprint store), and $120 credit on future bill for switching carriers (Cricket to Sprint). In a way, it's like a rebate for the Epic ($120 rebate). I only end up paying 80 dollars for it after I get that credit. I paid $140 for the Ascend.

It's nice to have a phone (Epic) that you don't have to spend countless hours working on (Ascend) just to make it function as it is supposed to (receive calls, etc.). 2.2 with no bugs is great.

The only thing I am doubting is if I should have got the HTC Arrive. Playon isn't working for me on the Epic to play Netflix. I wouldn't need Playon to play Netflix with the HTC Arrive. The downside of the HTC Arrive is that it is only 3G. The Epic will be able to pick up 4G when we go to Chicago in the summer and when it finally arrives in Wisconsin.
I always check out the forums of any phone that catches my interest. I think that is the best way to learn about any phone-directly from the users. I looked at the Epic forum, it doesn't seem as bad as some others. My only concern about the Epic is the lack of support Samsung has shown in the past as far as updates. Phones are starting to come with 2.3 now, hopefully you won't have to wait too long to get it. 4g is nice, but not a make-or-break thing to me. It seems to be a real battery drainer from what I've read. Glad you're happy with your new phone. If you start having buyers remorse, you always have 30 days to change your mind. :)
I looked at the Epic forum, it doesn't seem as bad as some others.

There's a lot of good guys there, I hang out there sometimes just to chat. There's no rule requiring device ownership to hang out in a forum and get to know people, btw.

The update frustratrations are understandable, but at the moment, that's past.

It's a pretty good phone, after all.
Well Metro PCS just made a new rehash of the phone, the Huawei Ascend TapouT. What angers me though is the fact the phone comes pre-loaded with Android 2.2 while everyone who bough the original Ascend are still on 2.1. I think it's ridiculous at this rate.
Tried to flash to CM6 and received a corrupt CM6 Ascend zip. Now my phone is stuck on the Huawei logo screen when on. When it is off, I can go into ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.1.8.

I connect the phone to my PC with the USB and can mount the SD card (from ClockworkMod). The problem is, I can't get the removable disk window to pop up to delete the corrupted file and add a new one.

Looking to flash back to stock and give the phone as a present soon (wifi use only). I was hoping to mail it out on Monday but that doesn't look like that is going to happen.

I've spent hours trying to repair it this way: How to push files to your SD Card with ADB - Prepaid Android
My PC always fails to install Android SDK Platform-tools update. When I go to push a file, the command INSTALL_DIRECTORY\android-sdk\platform-tools\ always fails as well.

Can I just buy a new SD card and be finished with this nightmare?
Can't you just put your ascend's memory card into your Epic (or any other microSD device) and mount it that way?

If your Epic won't mount the card either, just email/dropbox/etc the file to the Epic :)
Can't you just put your ascend's memory card into your Epic (or any other microSD device) and mount it that way?

If your Epic won't mount the card either, just email/dropbox/etc the file to the Epic :)

I'm too afraid to do anything with my Epic right now...:o It is just an unrooted, Market phone for the time being.

My wife has an extra SD card around our home somewhere (from an old T-Mobile Sidekick Slide). I think I will try that one out since no one was using it anyway.
I just put her 4GB sd card in and tried to mount it to the PC. It was unsucessful. The removable disk window flickered on and off a couple of times but that was it. I tried to send a file to the phone but the PC doesn't have it listed as a removable disk.

I really hope that corrupted CM6 zip file didn't permanently trash this phone. :(
To be honest, it's pretty unlikely the card was to blame, more likely the phone or your PC's configuration. I seriously doubt the phone is beyond repair however - in my experience you can't properly brick a phone by flashing a custom ROM (only radios and so on). If it was properly bricked, you wouldn't be able to boot to recovery. And everything can be fixed by a full wipe and a flash of a redownloaded ROM file.

Here's what I would do then, since you want to be sure your Epic is safe:
- On the epic, if you're using the froyo apps2sd, just move all those apps back to your phone's internal memory for the time being. Now you can mess around with the sdcard without any repercussions.
- Put the old sdcard into your ascend and format via clockwork to ensure it's not carrying anything for the epic to interact with.
- Put the old card in the epic, transfer the file, then put it in the ascend and so on.

To be honest, you could probably leave your apps2sd enabled on the epic whilst doing this and it would be fine after a reboot. But this way you can be sure :)
To be honest, it's pretty unlikely the card was to blame, more likely the phone or your PC's configuration. I seriously doubt the phone is beyond repair however - in my experience you can't properly brick a phone by flashing a custom ROM (only radios and so on). If it was properly bricked, you wouldn't be able to boot to recovery. And everything can be fixed by a full wipe and a flash of a redownloaded ROM file.

Here's what I would do then, since you want to be sure your Epic is safe:
- On the epic, if you're using the froyo apps2sd, just move all those apps back to your phone's internal memory for the time being. Now you can mess around with the sdcard without any repercussions.
- Put the old sdcard into your ascend and format via clockwork to ensure it's not carrying anything for the epic to interact with.
- Put the old card in the epic, transfer the file, then put it in the ascend and so on.

To be honest, you could probably leave your apps2sd enabled on the epic whilst doing this and it would be fine after a reboot. But this way you can be sure :)

Thank you for taking the time to post all of that.

I went to my HP Netbook and tried to mount the SD card on there...it was unsuccessful as well. The SD card doesn't appear to be an issue as you said.

Please don't take this to offense because I appreciate you sharing your knowledge but I would rather throw my Ascend in the trash than do anything with my Epic. I flashed Icarus 1.0 Cricket and CM7 successfully but CM6 has left me with endless frustrating hours on my off days from work. I want to get rid of this phone so badly.

Is there any other way to get a file onto an SD card without having to use another cell phone? :(
Even if I am able to flash a new ROM onto the Ascend, won't the SD mounting issue still be unresolved?
Sure, you could use any other device like a camera or so on. You could also use a card reader on a PC - most phones seem to come with the microsd to sd adapter too so there's a good chance you have one.

Also, what exactly are you typing in when you try to use the SDK to push the file? When you say the 'INSTALL_DIRECTORY\android-sdk\platform-tools\' command fails, what exactly are you typing there? The guide isn't very well written on that step.

EDIT: Yes, I would imagine flashing the ROM would sort it. If it's the PC's fault, you probably just need to reinstall the USB drivers.
Sure, you could use any other device like a camera or so on. You could also use a card reader on a PC - most phones seem to come with the microsd to sd adapter too so there's a good chance you have one.

Also, what exactly are you typing in when you try to use the SDK to push the file? When you say the 'INSTALL_DIRECTORY\android-sdk\platform-tools\' command fails, what exactly are you typing there? The guide isn't very well written on that step.

EDIT: Yes, I would imagine flashing the ROM would sort it. If it's the PC's fault, you probably just need to reinstall the USB drivers.

I think I will use our digital camera. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a phone that retails for over $600. Thanks for your patience.

I typed this exactly:

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