Thought so! Like I said, the guide assumes you know how to work with command prompt. I had difficulty with this myself too when I first gave adb a try.
Try this in stead, assuming you're using windows:
- Make a new folder on your C drive named adb (C:\ADB).
- From your 'android-sdk\platform-tools\' folder, find 'adb.exe', 'AdbWinApi.dll', 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll' and the file you want to push. Put them all into C:\ADB.
- Open up command prompt and enter these, one at a time, hitting enter after each:
This should make the part that normally reads 'C:\Users\Yourusername>' change to 'C:\adb>'. Now when you enter a command, it will know to use the adb.exe file to execute it.
Try this in stead, assuming you're using windows:
- Make a new folder on your C drive named adb (C:\ADB).
- From your 'android-sdk\platform-tools\' folder, find 'adb.exe', 'AdbWinApi.dll', 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll' and the file you want to push. Put them all into C:\ADB.
- Open up command prompt and enter these, one at a time, hitting enter after each:
This replaces the command you were getting stuck at. It uses the 'change directory' (cd) command to tell command prompt which folder you're working out \adb
This should make the part that normally reads 'C:\Users\Yourusername>' change to 'C:\adb>'. Now when you enter a command, it will know to use the adb.exe file to execute it.
You should see a mention of a daemon starting, which is good.adb remount
Exchanging for your file's name, of course.adb push /sdcard/