Android Expert
From Engadget -
"It's sad, but I am that person at dinner or drinks who's always staring at his phone. And that sort of behavior nets you a 28 percent charge on the Moto X after one day, two hours, 12 minutes and three seconds without battery saver enabled. That result bests even Motorola's own conservative claim of 24-hour battery life. Under the strain of Engadget's formal battery rundown protocol, in which an HD video plays on a loop, the Moto X's 2,200mAh cell lasted 11 hours and 15 minutes. Clap your hands, people. This is the battery life you didn't know you were missing."
Engadget's prediction on my LTEvo, especially for screen-on time, was very close to my experience. I'm inclined to trust them again in this case.
Agreed. Both the verge and Engadget while having a difference in the hours both seemed to say battery life was good. I don't think I've seen Engadget give such high marks with battery life.
Phone arena seemed like they just went off the battery size and gave a number.
I am disappointed with the early remarks regarding the camera but I myself have very little knowledge when it comes to cameras. So it won't be a big deal to me. I use mine for taking pictures when I'm out and of my cute little dogs and that's about it.