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What the heck is the deal with iphone users Vs Android users

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Then there are the Appletards operating on sheer smug boasting about how their Macs "just work" when in truth most of them are terrible users who simply don't know how to use computers, and can only cope with limited devices that don't let them modify/tinker with anything. If Apple and their users were to be erased from the face of Earth tomorrow, absolutely nothing of value will have been lost.

I think this 2nd post on this whole thread sums up what people miss with Apple and the iPhone. I would guess that upwards of 75% of all smartphone users fall into this category. They don't enjoy messing with their system, tweaking, or mass customization. For these people Apple is perfect, and the iPhone is perfect. Both my father and my wife have iPhone's and I would not try to change their minds. The reason is that I would have to explain, and explain, and explain. Whereas the iPhone is so simple for anyone to use that I don't have to spend hours and hours going over it. I give it to my dad and say, "click this for email, that for phone, that for text," and he's off and running. It's just not that simple on an Android phone, and THAT is why I love Android.

Everyone on the forum needs to step back and realize that we Androidforums.com members are NOT representative of the larger population. I completely understand someone that says the iPhone sucks, and I completely understand the person that says they would never switch from an iPhone to an Android phone. I fail to understand why so many people don't see this.
I think this 2nd post on this whole thread sums up what people miss with Apple and the iPhone. I would guess that upwards of 75% of all smartphone users fall into this category. They don't enjoy messing with their system, tweaking, or mass customization. For these people Apple is perfect, and the iPhone is perfect. Both my father and my wife have iPhone's and I would not try to change their minds. The reason is that I would have to explain, and explain, and explain. Whereas the iPhone is so simple for anyone to use that I don't have to spend hours and hours going over it. I give it to my dad and say, "click this for email, that for phone, that for text," and he's off and running. It's just not that simple on an Android phone, and THAT is why I love Android.

Everyone on the forum needs to step back and realize that we Androidforums.com members are NOT representative of the larger population. I completely understand someone that says the iPhone sucks, and I completely understand the person that says they would never switch from an iPhone to an Android phone. I fail to understand why so many people don't see this.

My mother in law has a droid, and loves it. I show her new stuff on it all the time, but she can use it as effectively as she could an iPhone (she's majorly computer illiterate.)
Both my father and my wife have iPhone's and I would not try to change their minds. The reason is that I would have to explain, and explain, and explain. Whereas the iPhone is so simple for anyone to use that I don't have to spend hours and hours going over it. I give it to my dad and say, "click this for email, that for phone, that for text," and he's off and running. It's just not that simple on an Android phone, and THAT is why I love Android.

thing is, all the customization and whatnot are optional extras on android - you could just put email, phone and messaging shortcuts on the homescreen of an android phone and your dad would be off just as quickly

just because the phone can do more, doesn't mean you have to use all of it
thing is, all the customization and whatnot are optional extras on android - you could just put email, phone and messaging shortcuts on the homescreen of an android phone and your dad would be off just as quickly

just because the phone can do more, doesn't mean you have to use all of it

Very true, you can use it as simply as you would use an iPhone. OR you CAN do more with it as you learn how.
What a first post to make!!! :)

My tuppence worth.......

Apple, to me, reminds me of Sir James Dyson and his vacuum cleaners and fanless fans. Marvels of marketing selling inferior products to look at me types.
I'm an Apple user... not because it's trendy, but because it's practical for what I want to do. I used an iPhone 3G before and when I first made the transition from a cameraless flip phone from the 90s, I was blown significantly impressed. But over time I was dissatisfied with the fact that I needed to pay significantly more and couldn't even view something as mainstream as flash.
The iPhone isn't practical in comparison to Android phones. I use a MacBook Pro, but Galaxy S for my mobile device. What's the problem? They're just brands. I just am somewhat annoyed by the lack of options provided. I can't even upgrade my phone to the new firmware...
Anyway, if anyone knows anything about syncing Macs and Androids or how to upgrade my firmware, please PM me cause I'm absolutely lost.
Anyway, if anyone knows anything about syncing Macs and Androids or how to upgrade my firmware, please PM me cause I'm absolutely lost.
for upgrading your firmware, look in the galaxy s section on these forums

for syncing... depends on what you want to sync
for most things you're best off using cloud services
I don't generally "bash" the iPhone or its users until a smug, self-righteous one comes along and insults me for choosing Android. I had an iPhone and it didn't suit me. That's why there's a vast selection of phones and OSs. What works for one does not work for all. What irks me is the " I love my iPhone, therefore so should you" attitude.
I find its GUI absolutely [deleted] ugly. Icon grids. Black background. Hideous dock. It's hard not to find this aesthetically offensive.

Technically? The first time I picked up an iPhone, I was shocked it couldn't multi-task. I was like "Uhhh, my old Nokia can multi-task..." and couldn't grasp the idea of a "smartphone" that can't do the same. It's stupid and primitive.

Then there are the Appletards operating on sheer smug boasting about how their Macs "just work" when in truth most of them are terrible users who simply don't know how to use computers, and can only cope with limited devices that don't let them modify/tinker with anything. If Apple and their users were to be erased from the face of Earth tomorrow, absolutely nothing of value will have been lost.

Not every Apple user is an "Appletard." In fact, some of these Appletards created some amazing tools that make your iPad your own. Just like the fine folks that find ways to give us root access to our phones. Simply DL a tool like Greenpoisi0n, sync the device, run the tool, and wait. No issues at all.

My iPad has custom themes, Colored icon labels, different system fonts and I have full and unfettered access to the file system. I can DL themes and all sorts of software from a variety of places as easily as I can DL stuff from the App Store or Android Market. Seamlessly, and without effort. I can delete the programs I do not want or make their icons disappear if desired. I can change my lock screen and add all sorts of widgets to my iThings.

And the tools cost little to nothing and take little effort to use.

I do not like Apple, but I am learning to co-exist. What I need is something that works; the make and model matter little.

You might keep in mind that the head Appletard has made Apple a wildly successfully company and he did it because he is smart. Also, the iPad is a brilliant product that does what it was designed to do simple and easy.

So hate Apple if you want. Just stop calling every Apple user a "something ****." Clearly, they are not all dumb. And also add these words to your spell check: UNIXTard, PCTard, and AndroidTard... lots of those out there, too.

Bob Maxey
There are at least 10 Android phones with hardware better than the iPhone (processor, ram, resolution, overall hardware specs) and the software- Android v iPhone OS is no comparison. "Easy to use" is nothing more than a fancy word for handcuffed/limited (jailbreaking does make it more customizable but it still does not compare to a rooted Android phone. Literally, anything can be changed).

I do not own an iPhone, but I am quite proud of my iPad. I am curious about your comment. You seem to believe that my Jailbroken iPad cannot be a customized as your rooted Android phone.

Care to explain why?

I jailbroke my iPad and so far, everything can be changed. The JB took me less than five minutes and had there been a problem a full recover was possible.

I am curious about your rooted phone and what it is you can change that I cannot change. Omit the carrier stuff because my iPad is not the 3G version.

Bob Maxey
I've noticed a pretty substantial amount of Apple Animosity on here. Apart from posts, there are numerous avatars with Android logos taking a whizz on Apple logos, etc.

Where exactly does that all come from? I've gotta say, I've got an android phone but I've also got an iPod touch, and the GUI on the iPod is just sooo intuitive. I recognize that we've all Android folks here, but I'm not sure how you could pick up an iPhone or iPod and find it ergonomically or technically flawed in some way. Yes, Android does some things better and that's why I have one, but it seem to me that the better marketing message is, "standing on the shoulders of geniuses, but doing it better" as opposed to "Apple sucks."


You will notice animosity on every forum devoted to almost any product you can mention. It is just as bad on the Apple and related iProducts forums and some of them hate Android for many of the same reasons that some of those gathered here dislike Apple.

Want hate? visit the Harley-Davidson Forums and see how some members think anything made in Japan is pure crap. Some "Rice Rocket/Burner" riders have terrible things to say about HD, too. And it is just as bad between some Indian riders and HD riders, too.

Sometimes, the anti-apple iThing product complaints are justified. For example, consider Pages for the iPad. Pages is their Word Processor. One feature that is missing is the ability to print to my WiFi printer. Some Apple fan-boys have told me that I should never need to print or if I do, simply email it to myself and print from my PC.

Wireless printing with the iPad requires AirPrint and that feature is available on only 10 or 11 HP Printers. That's it. My HP WiFi printer will not work, just a tiny number of printers manufactured by one company.

You need an app to make it possible to print wirelessly to other WiFi printers.

As for where the hate comes from . . . well, part of it is expressed by people that do not really know what they are talking about and they need to sing or stir up S#$t. Some posters on public forums are total idiots and not worth your time.

Some gathered here seem to think Apple makes inferior products, but they do not really know if it is true because all they have to go by is one bad personal example or they read something on the web and they do not know if it is true or not.

I'll bet you there is absolutely no shortage of people with Android phone problems that never get reported because the customers do not visit forums. I know a few iPhone users with absolutely no complaints.

Fact is, Apple is brilliant. I would love to bring a product to market that eventually develops a hard core following and in the eyes of my customers, I can do no wrong. Apple is a giant and successful. And let's face it, by and large, their products work well, regardless of what the ill-informed Apple haters might like to say. Their success is monumental.

Fact is, all consumer products are crap or Heaven Sent by God depending on the site you read or who you talk to. And sometimes, a defective product is shipped and that happens to every manufacturer at some time or another, and user decides Apple sucks, their product is crap.

Curiously enough, some hate comes from the new crop of Android Fan-boys. Yup, we have fanboys too.

Finally, have you ever visited the Android Market and read those app comments? You will often get a warning about how crappy the app is and below that, a comment about how great the app is? Sometimes, you read comments by people that bash a theme designer's work because the theme 'does not work' and you later find out they tried to run the theme as an app.

Use what works and be happy.

Bob Maxey
I'm not really a fan of all the Apple hate from Android users, but I do suppose they're the same, when it comes to us.

However, I think that both Android phones and iPhones are both amazing at what they do, they just do things in different ways. iPhones are more simple and tend to be more new user friendly, but once you get a grip on Android, you just GET it.

Long story short, Android and the iPhones are great, but we shouldn't let their differences get to us. I never see people moaning about Nokias or Windows Phones...
Want hate? visit the Harley-Davidson Forums and see how some members think anything made in Japan is pure crap. Some "Rice Rocket/Burner" riders have terrible things to say about HD, too. And it is just as bad between some Indian riders and HD riders, too.

I have some experience here, having ridden 'rice rockets' all of my adult life.

The way I see it humans always want to widdle things down into 'subgroups'. Males are the worst at this, at first it seems like males look for things to bond with eachother... and that's true we do seek out other sports fans and all that stuff, but no matter what group they find themselves in, they immediately look for subgroups to take footing in, and then attack those in other subgroups from that larger group.

Take a guy walking into a bar. He see's a few guys watching a football game so he walks up to them because he recognizes these guys, like him, enjoy watching the game of football. So bam, these guys can immediately bond over something simple. But as soon as he sits down and starts talking with the guys watching the Cowboys/Redskins game and he asks, "so who are you guys rooting for"? 3 of them are Redskins fans, while he and one other guy are Cowboys fans.

Boom, now he and the other Cowboys fan are pitted against the Redskins fans. "Oh you guys are ass holes, **** the Redskins! A bunch a panzies is all they are"!!! Instant animosity between a few men who otherwise didn't even know eachother 30 minutes prior. The game of football initially brings them together... but mans instict to hack everything into subgroups and oppose the other ultimately brings them to odds with one another.

This is the situation no matter what. I went down to Daytona for bike week a few years back. More bikes down there than you could ever imagine. Forget Harley vs Japans big 4, there were barely any Harleys down there. But no matter what the larger group was, they were always widdled down into smaller subgroups. It could start out the guys on Japanese bikes mixing it up with the guys on Italian bikes. Ok, so now that they've gotten rid of all the Ducati's, the guys riding Japanese bikes will subdivide into which ever manufacturer they're on.... Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki. Ok so being a Kawasaki guy, now I'm in with all the guys on Kawasaki's.

So now we're done bickering right? Heck we're all motorcyclists... that brought us together. Then we divided into Japanese vs Italian bikes. Then we divided into Kawasaki vs the rest of the Jap bikes. Ok but it doesn't end there, it NEVER ends. Now those of us riding a ZX-10R will give the guys on ZX-6R's a hard time for riding a 'wheenie bike". Ok so now I'm in with just those guys on ZX-10R's... but I'm riding a 2004 model, so of course I'm now at odds with those guys riding the 2006 model ZX-10R's because they have different body styling. Alright now I'm only with guys on 2004 model ZX-10R's, but mine is blue, while some others are green, some are orange, and others are black...

This is how guys do it. They seek out a large group of guys they have something in common with, and then they look for differences to set themselves apart from the rest of them. It's in our DNA, this is how it works all over the world. First of all we all here belong in a larger group of people who own cell phones. So we all have that in common with one another. But then we split off into those subgroups of those of us who have a smartphone and those who have dumbphones. Ok so now those of us smartphone users split off into who uses Apple, who uses Android, who uses Blackberry and who uses Windows.

Ok, so now here we are, we're all Android users in this forum right? So naturally we all get along. Wrong, because some of us have Motorola's, while others have HTC's and still others have Samsung. Ok so if I go into the Motorola section then what??? Then those people in there splinter off into those with the D1, those with the D2, those with the Droid X and those with the Droid Pro. Alright so I go into the Droid X section... surely all of us will get along, right? Nah, because some of us are rooted while some aren't. Now I go into the 'Everything Root' section since I'm rooted and what are they doing in there? They're bickering over who's on Apex, who's on Liberty, and who's on GummyJAR!!!

We never stop dividing into subgroups. Ever.
This is how guys do it. They seek out a large group of guys they have something in common with, and then they look for differences to set themselves apart from the rest of them. It's in our DNA, this is how it works all over the world. First of all we all here belong in a larger group of people who own cell phones. So we all have that in common with one another. But then we split off into those subgroups of those of us who have a smartphone and those who have dumbphones. Ok so now those of us smartphone users split off into who uses Apple, who uses Android, who uses Blackberry and who uses Windows.

Ok, so now here we are, we're all Android users in this forum right? So naturally we all get along. Wrong, because some of us have Motorola's, while others have HTC's and still others have Samsung. Ok so if I go into the Motorola section then what??? Then those people in there splinter off into those with the D1, those with the D2, those with the Droid X and those with the Droid Pro. Alright so I go into the Droid X section... surely all of us will get along, right? Nah, because some of us are rooted while some aren't. Now I go into the 'Everything Root' section since I'm rooted and what are they doing in there? They're bickering over who's on Apex, who's on Liberty, and who's on GummyJAR!!!

We never stop dividing into subgroups. Ever.

This is classic....lol
I simply don't like some of Apple's policies on the computer! You install something like QT or Itunes, those programs grab all the file extensions they can and set themselves up as the app that opens all those extensions. Now if you are a Photoshop user, this is a PITA as you have to reassociate everything. My boss told me to try getting his Ipod Shuffle to work, and that grabbed all the sound extensions! Needless to say, we had professional sound editing programs, and all those files had to be reassociated.
I would never stick anything from Apple into a computer again - and that includes the Iphone for file management. I simply don't trust Apple for anything.
I dont like Apple's policies with selling their products. I wanted an iPhone back in 2008. Didnt wanna go to AT&T....After trying Win Mo and Android the last 3 years, and learning some things about the iPhone, I cant see myself getting one. I would get WP7 first.

I wanted to try OS X so bad...I had a Hackingtosh PC custom built to have the most problem free use.....after ALL that research...I didnt even install it...lol I did run some version of OS X on PearPC. It was OK.

I couldnt see myself buying a Mac PC just to use OS X. After going the custom PC route a few years ago, I cant see myself buying a Mac PC at all now. IMO I get my money's worth with a custom built PC.

I dont hate Apple products. I just dont want any. I do hate some of Apple's business policies tho...and the whole Antenna-Gate thing and after math left a bad taste...
Disclaimer: I don't hate Macs, but I love Charlie Brooker.

Charlie Brooker on why he hates Apple Macintosh computers | Comment is free | The Guardian

"Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui.
PCs are the ramshackle computers of the people. You can build your own from scratch, then customise it into oblivion. Sometimes you have to slap it to make it work properly, just like the Tardis (Doctor Who, incidentally, would definitely use a PC). PCs have charm; Macs ooze pretension."

As for Apple vs Android, I've never owned an Apple product in my life as I like to have mp3 player/phone/camera in the one little box, so I stuck to Sony Ericssons, now with HTC.

I do feel Apple are overpriced, overhyped and too restrictive, but as I've heard of people paying up to
I remember a comment in Deke McClelland's Photoshop 3 book. He told Windows users not to snoop and to leave files alone. He actually stated that Win users were too nosy. I wonder if part of Iphone popularity is that it can be jailbroken?
I simply don't like some of Apple's policies on the computer! You install something like QT or Itunes, those programs grab all the file extensions they can and set themselves up as the app that opens all those extensions. Now if you are a Photoshop user, this is a PITA as you have to reassociate everything. My boss told me to try getting his Ipod Shuffle to work, and that grabbed all the sound extensions! Needless to say, we had professional sound editing programs, and all those files had to be reassociated.
I would never stick anything from Apple into a computer again - and that includes the Iphone for file management. I simply don't trust Apple for anything.

As is the same with every multimedia program that you install on a PC. Ever install Nero? Roxio? Same thing happens.
I have some experience here, having ridden 'rice rockets' all of my adult life.

This is the situation no matter what. I went down to Daytona for bike week a few years back. More bikes down there than you could ever imagine. Forget Harley vs Japans big 4, there were barely any Harleys down there. But no matter what the larger group was, they were always widdled down into smaller subgroups. It could start out the guys on Japanese bikes mixing it up with the guys on Italian bikes. Ok, so now that they've gotten rid of all the Ducati's, the guys riding Japanese bikes will subdivide into which ever manufacturer they're on.... Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki. Ok so being a Kawasaki guy, now I'm in with all the guys on Kawasaki's.

So now we're done bickering right? Heck we're all motorcyclists... that brought us together. Then we divided into Japanese vs Italian bikes. Then we divided into Kawasaki vs the rest of the Jap bikes. Ok but it doesn't end there, it NEVER ends. Now those of us riding a ZX-10R will give the guys on ZX-6R's a hard time for riding a 'wheenie bike". Ok so now I'm in with just those guys on ZX-10R's... but I'm riding a 2004 model, so of course I'm now at odds with those guys riding the 2006 model ZX-10R's because they have different body styling. Alright now I'm only with guys on 2004 model ZX-10R's, but mine is blue, while some others are green, some are orange, and others are black...

I don't look down on anyone because of the choices they or I make. I ride a Kawasaki Nomad, I have seen many HD riders look down there nose at people that ride "japanese" bikes and then go home to their trailer in the trailer park and tuck it in under the awning.
As you said we never stop dividing ourselves into subgroups. Heck even out on the lake here, guys with fiberglass fishing boats will snub anyone that has an "inferior" aluminum fishing boat.

I came across an article by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes on ZDNet that sums it up pretty well, here is a quote from it:

"There are the obvious fanboy camps, such as Mac, and Linux, but fanboys and fanboyism exists all across the board. I
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