Want hate? visit the Harley-Davidson Forums and see how some members think anything made in Japan is pure crap. Some "Rice Rocket/Burner" riders have terrible things to say about HD, too. And it is just as bad between some Indian riders and HD riders, too.
I have some experience here, having ridden 'rice rockets' all of my adult life.
The way I see it humans always want to widdle things down into 'subgroups'. Males are the worst at this, at first it seems like males look for things to bond with eachother... and that's true we do seek out other sports fans and all that stuff, but no matter what group they find themselves in, they immediately look for subgroups to take footing in, and then attack those in other subgroups from that larger group.
Take a guy walking into a bar. He see's a few guys watching a football game so he walks up to them because he recognizes these guys, like him, enjoy watching the game of football. So bam, these guys can immediately bond over something simple. But as soon as he sits down and starts talking with the guys watching the Cowboys/Redskins game and he asks, "so who are you guys rooting for"? 3 of them are Redskins fans, while he and one other guy are Cowboys fans.
Boom, now he and the other Cowboys fan are pitted against the Redskins fans. "Oh you guys are ass holes, **** the Redskins! A bunch a panzies is all they are"!!! Instant animosity between a few men who otherwise didn't even know eachother 30 minutes prior. The game of football initially brings them together... but mans instict to hack everything into subgroups and oppose the other ultimately brings them to odds with one another.
This is the situation no matter what. I went down to Daytona for bike week a few years back. More bikes down there than you could ever imagine. Forget Harley vs Japans big 4, there were barely any Harleys down there. But no matter what the larger group was, they were always widdled down into smaller subgroups. It could start out the guys on Japanese bikes mixing it up with the guys on Italian bikes. Ok, so now that they've gotten rid of all the Ducati's, the guys riding Japanese bikes will subdivide into which ever manufacturer they're on.... Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki. Ok so being a Kawasaki guy, now I'm in with all the guys on Kawasaki's.
So now we're done bickering right? Heck we're all motorcyclists... that brought us together. Then we divided into Japanese vs Italian bikes. Then we divided into Kawasaki vs the rest of the Jap bikes. Ok but it doesn't end there, it NEVER ends. Now those of us riding a ZX-10R will give the guys on ZX-6R's a hard time for riding a 'wheenie bike". Ok so now I'm in with just those guys on ZX-10R's... but I'm riding a 2004 model, so of course I'm now at odds with those guys riding the 2006 model ZX-10R's because they have different body styling. Alright now I'm only with guys on 2004 model ZX-10R's, but mine is blue, while some others are green, some are orange, and others are black...
This is how guys do it. They seek out a large group of guys they have something in common with, and then they look for differences to set themselves apart from the rest of them. It's in our DNA, this is how it works all over the world. First of all we all here belong in a larger group of people who own cell phones. So we all have that in common with one another. But then we split off into those subgroups of those of us who have a smartphone and those who have dumbphones. Ok so now those of us smartphone users split off into who uses Apple, who uses Android, who uses Blackberry and who uses Windows.
Ok, so now here we are, we're all Android users in this forum right? So naturally we all get along. Wrong, because some of us have Motorola's, while others have HTC's and still others have Samsung. Ok so if I go into the Motorola section then what??? Then those people in there splinter off into those with the D1, those with the D2, those with the Droid X and those with the Droid Pro. Alright so I go into the Droid X section... surely all of us will get along, right? Nah, because some of us are rooted while some aren't. Now I go into the 'Everything Root' section since I'm rooted and what are they doing in there? They're bickering over who's on Apex, who's on Liberty, and who's on GummyJAR!!!
We never stop dividing into subgroups. Ever.