Android Enthusiast
Apple fanboys are the absolute worst. Praising Apple for every device that they come out with. Ruthlessly defending Apple for even things that they've made mistakes on. That is how the Android fanboys were born.
Didn't read thru this whole thread but yea. Apple fanboys are the absolute worst. I just got rid of my iPhone a while back and still like the iPod and iPhone some but can't stand the zealous fans. I'm a giant Google Fanboy but to a point. I'll listen to reason if there is a problem. An Apple fanboy is literally blind to any reason or negative criticism about their product.
Recently I was stopping by Apple Insider website and posting comments on the articles and was constantly attacked verbally by the fanboys. Ended up getting banned for being a "Troll". What a joke. Anyone that doesn't take the Apple side on an argument is a troll on that site. Of course their ban consisted of a simple cookie deletion and I was back on the site under another name and still labeled a Phandroid.
As far as iPhones go. It never felt like a great phone till I had it jailbroken. The fact that Apple has never once designed one with a removable battery is criminal to say the least. Making non techie customers pay over $100 to change the battery should spawn a class action lawsuit. My old iPhone is now a jailbroken wifi softphone I can listen to music on and use for other purposes over wifi. Thats about it. I let my niece play with it and take pictures. Its a toy now.
I started out with Blackberries > iPhones > now I'm fully sold on Android devices and the communities that back them.
Here is a cool article about the Psycology of Fanboyism and Brand Loyalty. Its not just aimed at Apple fanboys it cuts both ways. Its not really scientific either but give it a read. Pretty good article.