I may be wrong, but I sort of feel like women are less subjected to 'fanboyism' (hence the 'boy' part of it). I think most women are more open minded and less aggressive about what they own, or switching brands.
It's not that men won't switch brands, but it seems like a lot of.... well, immature men anyways, feel the need to justify the brand they own by putting down all competing brands. It's the 'Alpha Male' syndrom. It's like saying, "check me out ladies, you want me because I'm the best. I make all the best decisions, I do everything better than these other losers, I'm the choice you want".
It's hard to watch sometimes. Because it makes us (males) seem so pathetic.
LOL, this is so true for some men, not my husband cause I just recently made him upgrade his phone that was literally the size of a shoe, I was like it is time to get to the future dude, When he took his phone out in AT&T I was embarrassed for him. lol. I am the tech geek when it comes to gadgets, but now that he has a windows phone he is quite happy with the fact he can get on line, that is the extent of his "awe" with an upgraded phone