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What the heck is the deal with iphone users Vs Android users

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Well, sure. If you ignore:

* I/O ports
* Flash capable
* 4G capability

But, if you ignore those, then they're really close.

OK, so lets consider the thread topic. "Why iPad sucks and so does Apple..." OK, why exactly does the iPad suck? Some compare it to Xoom, but Xoom just arrived and you really can't blame Apple for lacking what some future product offers.

You can say that you prefer the Xoom because of A, B, and C. But your Xoom sucks because it does not have a Terabyte of memory and three dimensional surround sound like some future tablet. You cant blame the Xoom people for that.

The iPad was designed to be what it is and nothing more. I have 24 gigs of storage, I have every i/o port I need, I can use memory cards and flash drives, and Flash is not a great idea, so I will scratch that off your list.

My iPad does have 4G capability, I am told. Apparently, I can use a mobile Hot Spot like those offered by Sprint with my WiFi only iPad. So when I need to connect, 4G is entirely possible. Not built in like the higher end iPads, but (apparently) available. If not, so what, my device is fine the way it is and 4G does not matter one bit in my case.

So I am not sure why iPad and Apple sucks. Care to educate me?

Have you seen what honeycomb is capable of? It's nuts. I'm sorry, iOS is just a phone interface on a tablet... Honeycomb is a true tablet interface.

Or you go Android because you like the features... or you go Apple because what they offer is good enough.

Actually, it is reasonably priced for a similar iPad (or now iPad 2).

We will see when the Xoom wifi only comes out. If it is around $499, then we have a true competitor... come on.

OK, so educate me. What does Honeycomb offer me? And before you answer, you need to consider that not everyone will need or care much about one or more of the features. Also, before you answer, you might find out if what Honeycomb offers is unavailable to me.

So let's discuss features. What do you have that I lack? I can likely do whatever you do with your tablet.

As for IOS being just a phone interface, so what? If it works, it works and that is all that matters. I am not so sure what a "True Tablet Interface" really means. Besides, my interface is not exactly stock so you have no point. I also have access to many of the features you like through dozens of different "App Markets."

Just asking questions, no fighting here. I do think some people are easily wowed and impressed with things that quite often mean very little or praise features that are readily available to one with a jailbroken iPad. I have what I have because it works. And that is all that matters in the final wash.

Not to mention that it appears the iPad 2 has the same camera as the iPod Touch.

Regarding the camera, I don't think it needs to be a high quality one. The form factor of a tablet is rather bulky to be used to take good quality pictures. I think the main use of the cameras will be for video calling which doesn't require high resolution.

If you intend to take some good quality pictures, it is more likely you want such a camera on a smaller device like a phone. It is much more portable and easier to maneuver to take both stills at different angles and action shots or videos.
OK, so lets consider the thread topic. "Why iPad sucks and so does Apple..." OK, why exactly does the iPad suck? Some compare it to Xoom, but Xoom just arrived and you really can't blame Apple for lacking what some future product offers.

Future products? The Xoom is becoming available the day before the iPad 2 is available.

You very much CAN blame Apple for not having what other products offer at the same time.

You can say that you prefer the Xoom because of A, B, and C. But your Xoom sucks because it does not have a Terabyte of memory and three dimensional surround sound like some future tablet. You cant blame the Xoom people for that.

That's valid... if that future tablet is available at the same time as the Xoom.

The iPad was designed to be what it is and nothing more. I have 24 gigs of storage, I have every i/o port I need, I can use memory cards and flash drives, and Flash is not a great idea, so I will scratch that off your list.

You can make do with the i/o ports you have.

The iPad does not have a card slot.

Flash is required by many people, whether YOU like it or not.

My iPad does have 4G capability, I am told. Apparently, I can use a mobile Hot Spot like those offered by Sprint with my WiFi only iPad. So when I need to connect, 4G is entirely possible. Not built in like the higher end iPads, but (apparently) available. If not, so what, my device is fine the way it is and 4G does not matter one bit in my case.

My car has rocket capabilities... if the space shuttle tows it... your iPad does not have 4G capabilities... it can use 4G via devices that do.

So I am not sure why iPad and Apple sucks. Care to educate me?

OK, so educate me. What does Honeycomb offer me? And before you answer, you need to consider that not everyone will need or care much about one or more of the features. Also, before you answer, you might find out if what Honeycomb offers is unavailable to me.

So let's discuss features. What do you have that I lack? I can likely do whatever you do with your tablet.

I'm going to compare iOS to Android. From what I know, my experience on phones would be similar to tablets.

My feeling with the Android UI is that with widgets, you can access certain commonly used features faster than with the iOS UI. This may or may not be something that you value depending on what you actually typically do on your device. It provides a little more flexibility when configuring the home screen to organise your apps. This may not sound like much, but if you take multiple steps to do something quite often, it is a welcome feel if you can do the same repeated function with only one tap or swipe.
OK, so educate me. What does Honeycomb offer me? And before you answer, you need to consider that not everyone will need or care much about one or more of the features. Also, before you answer, you might find out if what Honeycomb offers is unavailable to me.

So let's discuss features. What do you have that I lack? I can likely do whatever you do with your tablet.

Fragments. The ability to have several programs open on the screen at the same time, and to move between them.

As for IOS being just a phone interface, so what? If it works, it works and that is all that matters. I am not so sure what a "True Tablet Interface" really means. Besides, my interface is not exactly stock so you have no point. I also have access to many of the features you like through dozens of different "App Markets."

A true tablet interface, is an interface designed for a tablet device. The iPad's interface was designed for an iPhone. It was scaled up for an iPad... that's not the case with honeycomb. Play with it for a little bit, and the difference becomes Crystal clear quickly.

Just asking questions, no fighting here. I do think some people are easily wowed and impressed with things that quite often mean very little or praise features that are readily available to one with a jailbroken iPad. I have what I have because it works. And that is all that matters in the final wash.

You would use the Xoom very much like you would use a computer. Whereas, you use the iPad very much like you would use the iPhone. Honeycomb is so far beyond iOS now that it's embarrassing for Apple.
Regarding the camera, I don't think it needs to be a high quality one. The form factor of a tablet is rather bulky to be used to take good quality pictures. I think the main use of the cameras will be for video calling which doesn't require high resolution.

If you intend to take some good quality pictures, it is more likely you want such a camera on a smaller device like a phone. It is much more portable and easier to maneuver to take both stills at different angles and action shots or videos.

I don't know, A tablet with a reading stand could very easily work as a functional stable camera for timer pics... set the timer and then get in the picture... That's just me though.
I'm going to compare iOS to Android. From what I know, my experience on phones would be similar to tablets.

My feeling with the Android UI is that with widgets, you can access certain commonly used features faster than with the iOS UI. This may or may not be something that you value depending on what you actually typically do on your device. It provides a little more flexibility when configuring the home screen to organise your apps. This may not sound like much, but if you take multiple steps to do something quite often, it is a welcome feel if you can do the same repeated function with only one tap or swipe.

While this is true, the interface for honeycomb is quite different. See my comments on Fragments above.
Future products? The Xoom is becoming available the day before the iPad 2 is available.

You very much CAN blame Apple for not having what other products offer at the same time.

That's valid... if that future tablet is available at the same time as the Xoom.

You can make do with the i/o ports you have.

The iPad does not have a card slot.

Flash is required by many people, whether YOU like it or not.

My car has rocket capabilities... if the space shuttle tows it... your iPad does not have 4G capabilities... it can use 4G via devices that do.


Chances are, the iPad 2 features set, PC Board design, package design, overall designs were set before the Xoom arrived. Not sure about specific dates, but there was no Xoom when the iPad arrived. So what Xoom has that Apple lacks is not Apple's fault.

My iPad indeed has a card slot in the form of the thirty dollar Camera Connection Kit. No, it is not built into the case, but so what? I often use Drop Box to serve my files and in some cases, my files go on a MicroSD Card. The lack of a slot is a non-issue in the real world because I have alternatives that work well. And yes, it would be nice to have a card slot in the unit.

As for Flash, I think you over emphasize the actual need. And should the need arise, I do have the capability. It is called "Frash" and it works if I need it. Jobs addressed the why in an open letter and it makes perfect sense tho anyone that cares to read it.

As for 4G, it is available if I need it, but I do not need 3G which is why I bought the WiFi only version. And I know 4G is not a built-in feature of the iPad. I suspect those that want 4G will find it a bit costly and will perhaps fall out of love with 4G. Note that I have not researched the cost comparisons between 3G and 4G.

If I need it, I have it. But I do not need it so, it is a non-issue.

Finally, you overlook the next iPad. Perhaps the Android manufacturers like Motorola are actually "designing" the next big Apple iThing. Something that is so far above the current tablet crop that it becomes an Android killer as well as an iPad killer.

Chances are, the iPad 2 features set, PC Board design, package design, overall designs were set before the Xoom arrived. Not sure about specific dates, but there was no Xoom when the iPad arrived. So what Xoom has that Apple lacks is not Apple's fault.

If these are radical new features, then yes we'll agree. I don't expect the iPad 2 to have anything like Fragments, but I can hold Apple responsible for no 4G compatibility. I can hold Apple responsible for no SD slot. I can hold Apple responsible for the crappy camera. I can hold Apple responsible for things that aren't new tech.

My iPad indeed has a card slot in the form of the thirty dollar Camera Connection Kit. No, it is not built into the case, but so what? I often use Drop Box to serve my files and in some cases, my files go on a MicroSD Card. The lack of a slot is a non-issue in the real world because I have alternatives that work well. And yes, it would be nice to have a card slot in the unit.

Again, my car indeed has a rocket engine... if I buy one and install it.

As for Flash, I think you over emphasize the actual need. And should the need arise, I do have the capability. It is called "Frash" and it works if I need it. Jobs addressed the why in an open letter and it makes perfect sense tho anyone that cares to read it.

I've read it... and no, not acceptable.

As for 4G, it is available if I need it, but I do not need 3G which is why I bought the WiFi only version. And I know 4G is not a built-in feature of the iPad. I suspect those that want 4G will find it a bit costly and will perhaps fall out of love with 4G. Note that I have not researched the cost comparisons between 3G and 4G.

Current Verizon 4G prices are the same as their 3G...

Finally, you overlook the next iPad. Perhaps the Android manufacturers like Motorola are actually "designing" the next big Apple iThing. Something that is so far above the current tablet crop that it becomes an Android killer as well as an iPad killer.

We are discussing the iPad 2 and the Xoom... if there is something else on the market now (or next week), then we can discuss that too, but to bring in fictional tablets from star trek... isn't really furthering the discussion, it's finding a way to reason that Apple's not that bad.
Well, sure. If you ignore:

* I/O ports
* Flash capable
* 4G capability

But, if you ignore those, then they're really close.

The Xoom is not flash capable at the moment. It's also not 4G capable at the moment so both of those don't even matter. The Xoom has 1 gb of RAM vs the iPad 2's 512. So it does have an advantage there. I will bet you any ammount of money you want to bet that the iPad runs just as snappy as the Xoom does even without that RAM. Apple has the luxury of customizing every facet of it's OS to work with it's hardware. Motorola doesn't. I've heard that the Xoom does not currently support MicroSD cards. It looks like the only port it has on it that the iPad doesn't is the mini-HDMI port. Apple supports this with a dongle. I can't see people choosing the Xoom over the iPad because they don't have to use a dongle. Again, the two are pretty damn close hardware wise.
Fragments. The ability to have several programs open on the screen at the same time, and to move between them.

A true tablet interface, is an interface designed for a tablet device. The iPad's interface was designed for an iPhone. It was scaled up for an iPad... that's not the case with honeycomb. Play with it for a little bit, and the difference becomes Crystal clear quickly.

You would use the Xoom very much like you would use a computer. Whereas, you use the iPad very much like you would use the iPhone. Honeycomb is so far beyond iOS now that it's embarrassing for Apple.

Several task switchers to choose from. Up to 9 screens open on one page and instant switching between them. So what else do you need, really? All work well, Honeycomb's interpretation is not so amazing. Not a selling point.

True tablet interface? Still wondering why the crappy old iPhone interface is so bad. Like the wheel, it just works. And I have complete interface design freedom if I want it. Including the ability to create interfaces and themes on line, if I get bored.

I use my iPad for work. I have not used my laptop much this month. I can send email, visit the web, find crap on YouTube, create documents, edit large word documents, open almost any file type, p;lay music, find music, access the file system, delete crap, save attachments or entire web sites... what else is needed?

Bob Maxey
The Xoom is not flash capable at the moment. It's also not 4G capable at the moment so both of those don't even matter. The Xoom has 1 gb of RAM vs the iPad 2's 512. So it does have an advantage there. I will bet you any ammount of money you want to bet that the iPad runs just as snappy as the Xoom does even without that RAM. Apple has the luxury of customizing every facet of it's OS to work with it's hardware. Motorola doesn't. I've heard that the Xoom does not currently support MicroSD cards. It looks like the only port it has on it that the iPad doesn't is the mini-HDMI port. Apple supports this with a dongle. I can't see people choosing the Xoom over the iPad because they don't have to use a dongle. Again, the two are pretty damn close hardware wise.

See now, that is interesting. I never thought to look at the specs. I was unaware that the Xoom lacked 4G and Flash. I assumed the poster was correct because it is so easy to check and confirm.

As for snappy response, I do not know. What I do know is when i want to use an app, it opens rapidly. Perhaps the Xoom is a few microseconds faster, but that really does not matter. I get faster response than I get on my craptop. Almost as fast as the Palm Apps of long ago.

Why the hell doesn't the Xoom support flash? Froyo supports flash but Honeycomb doesn't??? That makes no sense.
If these are radical new features, then yes we'll agree. I don't expect the iPad 2 to have anything like Fragments, but I can hold Apple responsible for no 4G compatibility. I can hold Apple responsible for no SD slot. I can hold Apple responsible for the crappy camera. I can hold Apple responsible for things that aren't new tech.

Again, my car indeed has a rocket engine... if I buy one and install it.

I've read it... and no, not acceptable.

Current Verizon 4G prices are the same as their 3G...

We are discussing the iPad 2 and the Xoom... if there is something else on the market now (or next week), then we can discuss that too, but to bring in fictional tablets from star trek... isn't really furthering the discussion, it's finding a way to reason that Apple's not that bad.

Blame Apple for no Flash. But also blame Xoom for no Flash. Blame Apple for no 4G but also blame Xoom for no 4G. Blame Apple for no "Fragments" but consider that it does multitask and the DLs abound to make it work and work well.

Blame Apple for no SD slot... no wait, we already have SC/Flash Drive capability. As for the camera, well, I use a Leicaflex so I do not care.

Want to try once more?

Why the hell doesn't the Xoom support flash? Froyo supports flash but Honeycomb doesn't??? That makes no sense.

Apparently, it will arrive in the spring of 2011, so not a big deal. Except for that pesky word "apparently." Thank God, I already have Flash in I need it.

When Flash arrives then you can talk about it being a bonus. I'm just saying that right now, at this moment, the Xoom has no flash capabilities.
Okay folks, I've dropped gentle hints but evidently that's not enough.

Cut out the bickering, inappropriate analogies and veiled insults, please. This started out as a light-hearted discussion but is getting out-of-hand. It's becoming the very thing many of you profess to dislike about "iPhone fanboys".

I don't want to lock it down but the other alternative is infractions. Your choice....
When Flash arrives then you can talk about it being a bonus. I'm just saying that right now, at this moment, the Xoom has no flash capabilities.

s'not even arrived in the UK yet so we don't get the disappointment :) neither do we have it at all...
Xoom may not have flash like the iPad2, but the difference is you know flash will come to the Xoom. Just like you know the iPad2 and really any idevice will never have flash as long as job is alive.

Heres a question if Jobs dies will apple do an about face on the whole flash thing on their devices?

Not saying I want Jobs to die. I hope he live a long life and gets better.
Xoom may not have flash like the iPad2, but the difference is you know flash will come to the Xoom. Just like you know the iPad2 and really any idevice will never have flash as long as job is alive.

Heres a question if Jobs dies will apple do an about face on the whole flash thing on their devices?

Not saying I want Jobs to die. I hope he live a long life and gets better.

I hate to break it to you, but until it has actually arrived, there is always the possibility of an epic let down. It wouldn't be the first time a manufacturer has promised a device would have a particular feature and then failed to deliver.
Xoom may not have flash like the iPad2, but the difference is you know flash will come to the Xoom. Just like you know the iPad2 and really any idevice will never have flash as long as job is alive.

Heres a question if Jobs dies will apple do an about face on the whole flash thing on their devices?

Not saying I want Jobs to die. I hope he live a long life and gets better.

Who knows. Apple is a corporation and it must make money. Jobs is the face of Apple and his word is likely the last word. If Mr. Jobs leaves Apple, his replacement might not care as much about Apple like Jobs.

Not sure what will happen if Jobs leaves. Will there be other products with the impact of the various iThings or will Apple simply produce unremarkable products?

Well android loves to rub it in apples face with the whole we have flash but apple doesnt. So you know its going to. Just a matter of time. Just like apple will never allow flash.

After all if my Droid 1 "does" Flash. you know Xoom will do flash. Your just grasping at straws to try and make Xoom look even with the iPad2 or maybe a lil lower to the iPad2.
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