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ZTE WARP Watering hole

I hate hospitals and clinics... too many bad memories as a kid... I still remember the big guy holding my arm down when I didn't wanna get a morphine shot, he was HUUUGE! He reminds me of AD's avatar!
When I went to NY they thought it was some kinda fetish to get a shot in the butt hahaha I felt really awkward pulling my pants back up. :o:what:
I don't mind needles at all, actually. When I was getting stitches last time I was asking for more so as it didn't bubble up when healed and mess up my tattoo. :D
Now I'd just prefer not to get shots at all unless its in my arm but even with that it hurts like hell when I begin playing my trombone almost every day. Especially during marching band. I was so sore that day.. and they gave me two shots on each arm :( it wouldn't have hurt any less had it been on my leg it probably would've gone numb and I'd trip and fall! Ouch!
That sounds awful. When they give alsace her shots its always in her leg. I'm afraid they're gonna hit the bone the way they slam it in there. :mad::eek:
There was a blood drive at my high school a few months back, and my girlfriend went to give blood. The nurse missed the vein so many tines it wasn't even funny she was crying by the time the nurse finally got the needle in her vein and got the blood. It was kinda funny thinking about it afterwards haha
Hey, Im basically the new person in town- Im not really great with modding .. or anything really (concerning phones).. hmm im an undergrad in a big city university.. and im just a general painter/sculptor/video/game design (newly)/other stuff. artist..... This "watering hole" seems a bit dry... ill contribute my bottle of water to it XD ... So nice to meet you all :)
Nice to meet ya dthomas 4322, and welcome to AF! :D
High school junior, not an undergrad (I almost was, but then I'd have graduated at 16 at the end of my junior year-I skipped part of pre-k and kindergarden, didn't think I needed it...), looking to get a major in software development and a minor in fine arts :)
Painter, sculptor, video game design, artist? Sounds like a themer to me ;) :p
Doesn't matter if you're great with modding or not, everybody's gotta start somewhere :p
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