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motorola droid bionic

  1. W

    Help Bionic freezing after JB update

    I installed JB a week ago and now my Bionic is freezing and have to restart. anyone else having this issue? 3 times today:confused:
  2. G

    Help Jelly Beaned my Battery

    I received the OTA Jelly Bean, no problem. Did a factory reset, No problem. But after four days, my extended battery is still draining before my eyes. Prior to update, I could use phone all day and still have 25 percent left by 10 p.m. Now by 5 p.m., I only have 10 percent left. Can't get a...
  3. xguy

    Help Phone won't charge via computer

    Since my ICS update, I noticed that my phone is not charging using a usb cable while tethering. The battery indicator on the phone shows it's charging but it is not. I had 60% charge a couple of hours ago and it is at 25% now. Normally it would be fully charged. Anyone know what could cause...
  4. R

    Root Willing To Pay for New JB Bionic Root

    I've looked all over - I screwed up and updating my rooted bionic and now it's not rooted, and it seems there is little hope someone will make a new root program for the bionic. So I'm stuck with unrooted Jelly Bean :( So if anyone is willing to make a new program to root my bionic with...
  5. K

    Help JB OTA update

    Am I the only one who hasn't received it yet?
  6. xguy

    Help Just installed new update 6.7.246, ver.4.04

    and right after that I was asked to install 98.72.22. What is this and is there anything negative about?.....Don't wanna push my luck! lol:) How is this new 6.7.246 working for you?
  7. V

    Help Trouble with Google Now under ICS

    Just upgraded the OS in my Bionic to ICS yesterday. First thing I want to do is use Google Now. However, I can not figure out how to start and configure it. When the phone started after the upgrade, a message said "long press the search button to use Google Now" I did that, the screen...
  8. S

    Help No Service/Signal

    I have had 4 or 5 times in the past two months that my service dies completely, I think the radio gets screwed up. Anyhow the only way I've found to get it back is to do a FXZ. I believe this is being caused by my battery, anyone think that might be possible? The last three times it has...
  9. P

    Root Flashing JB...can it be done now?

    Hello, I had a rooted Bionic before I attempted to install the latest Jelly Bean update. I had to flash ICS and then do the OTA update. It worked, but I was no longer rooted. I was then a little quick to try to revert back to ICS by flashing it again using RSDLite to try to get root access...
  10. R

    Help Facebook/Twitter Notifications Lost after 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) Update

    Updated to 4.1.2 a day ago and all is great except one very anoying issue. I no longer receive notifications from Facebook, Facebook Messanger, and Twitter. I've reset the App data, checked to make sure Notifications is turned on in App Manager for each app and checked the individual app...
  11. A

    JB update and loss of SD card

    The phone updated the OS today and after that it cannot mount the SD card, where I had pics and music. I went to the VZW store and they said there is nothing they can do. That I should copy the SD content to a PC and reformat the SD Card. However, I connected the phone to the computer (with...
  12. S

    Bean Flinger

    go to settings > about phone scroll down to android verson tap this several times until a big jelly bean appears. tap the jelly bean
  13. R

    Help Loss of 4G

    I recently (Feb of 2013) I received the OTA update for vs 4.0.4. After that I found that my Bionic no longer gets 4G. I searched the settings and could not find a way to change this. I took it to my Verizon dealer where they cleared all of the potential apps that could cause a problem, did a...
  14. C

    Lockscreen options grayed out

    So I needed to run Foxfi this morning, first time since upgrading to JB. Any way it required a lockscreen password on the first run. (I've always just used swipe) So now I want to return to swipe but the options None, Swipe and Face unlock are grayed out. Anyone have an idea? Thanks, Bill
  15. L

    Love JB but miss FM Radio

    Took the update. No factory reset. Everything's smooth... except FMRadio 2.1 update 1 wants to launch but can't. Anyone able to access the onboard FM receiver after the update? -les
  16. Thom

    Jelly Bean Released - 2013.04.17

    Jelly Bean started being pushed OTA to everyone Wednesday night. I participated in the Jelly Bean soak test. It ran from Monday morning to Wednesday afternoon. My Bionic is un-root-ed. What I observed with JB ... [spoiler][FONT=Verdana]I have the Screen lock screen set to
  17. S

    Root JB and Root

    I'm wondering if anyone who is rooted and installed safestrap or bootstrap have gotten the JB OTA and how it has worked? Any issues? Did you keep root? How? Any other tips/tricks?
  18. C

    JB - Car Dock

    I'm curious if anyone has tried docking their phone in the navigation dock since the JB update. I had the stock one disabled before the update and was using Car Dock Home v3. I wanted to see what the stock one was like, but it doesn't give me the option to enable it. I did not FDR as its...
  19. xguy

    Help I Love my new..old Bionic

    But, the past several days it has been lagging bad. Sometimes it takes 30- 60 seconds after I hit search. It has 1-2 bars on signal strength and I've cleaned the cache, rebooted and nothing. Is there anything else I can check? I only have a few days before my 14 days are up. The few times it...
  20. wildkitten

    Is it true that we need root to make sure the OTA JB doesn't install?

    I was browsing through the Android Central forums and some people are making the comment that eventually JB will install eventually and we only get a certain number of times to decline it. Can anyone confirm this? Also, I have read Samuri's comments that if anyone is rooted through HoB or FXZ...
  21. A

    Just accepted Jelly Bean update on my Bionic

    I just accepted the update. I will not be doing an FDR because it's a PITA for me and i don't plan on keeping my Bionic for much longer anyway. However, I am eager to see if my lag issues with ICS and crappy swype functioning will be fixed
  22. J

    Help Bionic lapdock

    Will the upcoming Jellybean update function with my lapdock?
  23. wildkitten

    Should we wait to install Jelly Bean

    With word being that Verizon intends to push out build 22 of JB, which reportedly has a huge failure rate, rather than build 23 which reportedly has been very stable, should we wait on the upgrade? And what possible reason would Verizon have for releasing build 22 rather than 23? Because if...
  24. T

    Help Bionic storage issues

    My bionic routinely fills up, and I get that obnoxious low storage space warning. I don't really have a lot of apps installed. The numbers just don't seem to add up... 16gb total storage. Application storage 1.11 gb used for apps 2.37 gb free Internal storage 2.96 gb apps 3.75 gb free 6.12...
  25. B

    Root Accidentally wiped stock rom! Don't worry, quick question.

    Well, I was in unsafe mode and accidentally wiped my stock rom. It hasn't been a big deal as I've been enjoying Icarus HD. However, since I want to get the upcoming Jelly Bean OTA update that will be released next week I'll have to put the stock back. My quick question is: Do I return to...
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