Just want to start by saying I LOVE YOU GUYS!
I just want to help by letting you guys know what my issues are so far to help trouble shoot.
1.) Reboots and start ups will get to the "ANDROID_" screen and then reboot about 4 or 5 times before it gets to the main boot animation. Also the main boot animation takes about 5 minutes to finish up. So my reboots are a 10 minute process
2.)I installed Smart Keyboard Pro and after I change my input method to Smart Keyboard it lasts about an hour or so and then reverts back to the stock keyboard and changes it to seem like I never selected to use the Smart Keyboard.
3.)My AMW Launcher FC's about 7 or 8 times in a day. I turned off "Wallpaper Hack" which says that it will help stop the FC but it lied
4.)The clock on the status bar is always showing on top of anything that runs inside my status bar. (Kind of annoying just wanted to let you know if you had a quick fix)
5.)3g animation doesn't budge for anything (Just curious if that can be quick fixed)
6.)Haptic Feedback for the hard keys don't work on press or release just on long-press. I tried changing the settings in but it they just don't respond to anything but long-press.
7.)I've also noticed that alot of the settings don't always stick. Its like it forgets what your settings are once and awhile but then it will correct itself after. Its weird I think there might be some kind of override writing issue. Idk but I'll be setting up a ubuntu system here soon to help break down some of this code (don't count on it though I'm mostly busy until I sleep
That about does it for now. I've been running the mod for about a week now and it seems to be doing great.
My specs:
Ultra Blue Theme
3g boost script
v6 supercharger script
A2sd and s2e