Extreme Android User
I'm getting about 2 full days per charge for normal usage and pretty much 3 full days for light usage. I run with performance governor setting and Juice Defender (free version with default settings).
What I have found makes the biggest difference is watching what apps you install. Some will insist on running at all times (not cached, running) without any settings to restrict this behavior. Facebook, Amazon, Craigslist Notify, and (I think if I recall correctly) Titanium Backup come to mind. I removed all of these because of such behavior.
Ones that start on boot, I stop manually through Settings>Applications>Running Services. I also force stop Maps through Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>All tab whenever I find it running and I don't need it.
Instead of uninstalling Facebook , Amazon and such , I think I'm gonna use Titanium Backup to FREEZE the apps until I need them . Thanks for the post , It got me to thinking what other options I had . I'm gonna give that a try for a couple of days and see what kind of battery consumption I get . I'm pretty sure It'll work just fine . I'll update and let you guys know what the outcome is .