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Hello, I lost my Hubby somewhere in this forum...

I was thinking more along the lines of Roman numerals where a single Novox + 1 would be a Novoxi, three would be Novoxii, etc. And a single Novox who didn't feel entirely themselves would be a Novoix. If the Novoxi are conjugated any further, we'll be hip-deep in them.
Well, it isn't just a plural we're after.. it's itty bitty tiny cute little baby versions of novox77.

Perhaps novoxitas?
I'm going to say a novena for all concerned trying to conjugate novox. And I'm going to pray that you all get enough novoxygen before evo widow discovers that y'all are thinking in terms of conjugating novox because I think that if we had a problem before, just wait until she finds out that others are taking away her conjugating rights.

This is just not going to end pretty at all.

I think I need to get me some popcorn to munch on between sammiches while I watch for the train wreck.
This is just not going to end pretty at all.

That's when 180 degree topic drift comes in handy.

Shouldn't this thread be renamed to "Steven's epic hijacked sammich oddessy" or something? I think the Mr. & Mrs. Novox77 have long since got themselves a motel room.

we've actually been spending a lot more time together lately, and I've been neglecting the forums and mod duty more... so... Steven can have his sammich. we'll make one together for him.

I even mowed the lawn. Even though it's not the 'tides of March.' Though I would have been happy to let the 3ft of snow kill the grass for me.
I hope my g/f doesn't catch wind of this, I might get stuck watching rom coms.

Running out the door and lma0 and I do mean right off.

I have been here in the forums for precisely the correct amount of time.

I spent nearly a full 60 seconds trying to see what root joke I'd missed, and then went, rom coms, non-comms, avatar is pretty patriotic - do they have roms for non-comms?

And anyone who's been a regular in the Ban The Person Above You thread knows what's coming next...

I like this site I must confess,
But posts like this just cause distress!
It took great time but I digress,
With terms obscure I do obsess!

Now I have learned your words with tricks,
And I do not like those flicks for chicks!
I will not watch them when I can post,
I do not care if that makes me toast!

Upgrade your friend girl and do not stress,
Find one who likes phones and use finesse -
Treat her well with kind decorum,
Then she won't mind you on this forum!
Better still use fine caress,
I do so wish you great success!
Running out the door and lma0 and I do mean right off.

I have been here in the forums for precisely the correct amount of time.

I spent nearly a full 60 seconds trying to see what root joke I'd missed, and then went, rom coms, non-comms, avatar is pretty patriotic - do they have roms for non-comms?

And anyone who's been a regular in the Ban The Person Above You thread knows what's coming next...

I like this site I must confess,
But posts like this just cause distress!
It took great time but I digress,
With terms obscure I do obsess!

Now I have learned your words with tricks,
And I do not like those flicks for chicks!
I will not watch them when I can post,
I do not care if that makes me toast!

Upgrade your friend girl and do not stress,
Find one who likes phones and use finesse -
Treat her well with kind decorum,
Then she won't mind you on this forum!
Better still use fine caress,
I do so wish you great success!

Aaah, poetry.

It reminds me of a verse about a gentleman living on a quaint New England isle with a whaling heritage ...
How did we get from sammich to Ahab

What baffles me is how we got from a missing hubby all the way to Ahab! I blame Steven and Early.

And for all who care, the proper pluralization of novox is novoces, but the proper increment of novox77 is novox78. But neither really qualifies as a good name for the evoorphan.
This thread is the gift that keeps on giving. Never thought an iGeek would have me laughing so hard on AF. Well done widow, well done.
Now, now - please don't take it out on Steven and whatever you do, please don't substitute sinfully delicious sugary cookies (chocolate?) over a nutritious sandwich - that's often the worst thing you can do at a time like this.

First you want sammiches, then you want the grass cut, then you want to attack poor Steven - yes, I've seen this sort of thing before, I understand perfectly, and know better than to take it personally.

I'm sending some very nice take-out to your home now, because it quite obvious - you're really feeling a little on the hungry side, aren't you?

Enjoy the pastrami, I ordered it extra lean, with sauerkraut of course and the place I called has a lovely dressing to go with it. And I've taken the libery of selecting a nice rye.

Your doorbell should be ringing in about 20 minutes. Seriously.

Meanwhile, while you're waiting, let's talk about extraterrestrial life as that seems to be of great interest to you. What sort of thing do you suppose they're visiting for?

Myself, I think they come for the avocados and green chile, both of which can really make a hamburger sandwich taste just out of this world.

And leads us to coincidence vs. causality. Just because all space aliens prefer avocados and green chile, it's not necessarily true that everyone who prefers avocados and green chile are space aliens. So when you think about it, that leaves you pretty safe right there.

And now the space aliens have gotten the protection of the Pope himself. Last year, our all-grown-up-science-club (we like to discuss politics as pertains to science) noted that the Pope said that visiting aliens ought not cause a crisis of faith because the hand of the Almighty does indeed stretch across the heavens. Now while that was a comforting thought to some, a few of us were indeed disappointed because it meant that we'd have to go through some whole big debate about whether we could cook them in the first place, having by then thought we'd already sufficiently prepared by deciding in advance that barbequing them, Texas-style, would be a good first start. (Naturally, in such a case, we'd simply make a nice guacamole out of the avocados and green chile, with just a hint of garlic and lemon and a dash of sea salt.)

And don't even start me on the Vegans. Those creatures from Venus are real meat eaters, and we expect to have our hands full keeping them from the nice people here who go by the same name but are really plant eaters.

So you see, I understand completely about your concerns about me being from elsewhere, but you really mustn't worry about such things until you've had a little bite and can think more clearly.

Doorbell. Should be in about 14 minutes now...

Dear Early,

Somehow I totally missed this post. I apologize for not responding sooner. I think because as I was reading the flood of posts that happened since the last time I looked, I boiled yours down to:

blah blah blah cookies blah blah blah chocolate blah blah blah sammiches blah blah blah pastrami blah blah blah avocado blah blah blah ....

and then I think I got hungry and asked my former-lost hubby to make me a snack. Again, I apologize for my dismissal of your important message to me.

On the topic of guacamole, I believe is much better with limes and not lemons. I also prefer the normal table salt because I find that the extra minerals that come along for the ride do not enhance the avocados' smooth flavor. Garlic and green chile might be nice additions but I've yet to try them in my guac.

The sandwich you have sent is overdue. Next time, you should get a better delivery person before promising a sammich.

As for your claim that I tried to "attack poor Steven", I will ask you to look at the facts, which are clearly in my favor. Steven first suggested that he might be my lost hubby, when in fact he knew he was not, and then he demanded a sammich. When I pointed out that my hubby made me sammiches, he fled for the hills. Other forum members began to post request for their sammiches. (Side note: This is a clear sign of an epidemic within the forum community. Poor souls that come to AF get lost with inside its confines such that their SOs lose all hope that they will ever resurface. This has clearly resulted in the forum members becoming sammichless, which is due to their inability to move from their computers to reach a sammich made by their SOs. The sad side effect of the sammichless forum members is that the forum members' SOs are eating themselves into oblivion due to grief and an overabundance of sammiches (having not been eaten by the aforementioned forum members). ) At some point, Steven did post that he would make me a sammich and even posted a sammich-themed lolcat. To which I responded that it was almost enough to make me want to trade him for novox77, but that his post count was too high (a clear indication that he too is lost in the forums). From there the posts continued to focus more and more on sammiches, ranging from the simple sammich request to discussion of sammich related apps. Clearly, had Steven not requested a sammich in the first place, this thread would not have as easily spiraled into sammichdom. Pointing out this hardly qualifies as an attack on the quintuple-decaded-plus-plus-plus-ed Steven and is just a statement of fact.

Lost-but-now-found hubby has pointed out that I should be sleeping now, and not writing a forum post. Ah, how the tides have turned.

Dear Early,

Somehow I totally missed this post. I apologize for not responding sooner. I think because as I was reading the flood of posts that happened since the last time I looked, I boiled yours down to:

blah blah blah cookies blah blah blah chocolate blah blah blah sammiches blah blah blah pastrami blah blah blah avocado blah blah blah ....

Totally EPIC^
(don't worry, i do that too. just dont tell anyone):)

Lost-but-now-found hubby has pointed out that I should be sleeping now, and not writing a forum post. Ah, how the tides have turned.


Double EPIC!! lol

2 best responses/statements i think i ever read right there:)
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