Ok, what we need currently from my perspective
1. Getting all camera drivers working with the CM with all of different camera modules.
2. QRemote- I know it may not be just simple as saying it but what if you could get it from the L90's Kitkat or even D505's? Reverse engineering?
3. Vibration, we want some jiggle but not earthquake
4.Camcoder with proper working mic.
That's all I could think of and honestly, no one really uses WIFI calling. If they can't get reception in certain area, they are mostly likely to change their carriers or stick with landline or something. True its handy but out of most chances, we can deal with this world with out it.
And also, Hoarark, you should let us file bugs and etc on the bug page for unofficial builds also so that more people can see it and see what you can work on next by determine the number of people having same problems, etc.
I mean keep up the good work! I literarly gave up on Kitkat for F6 and it seems like you are the only hope we have left in American F6's users (Hate you European users [D505])