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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Alrighty folks, even though there is still no OFFICIAL announcement from VZW, I (the eternal skeptic) have to believe that the release of this beautiful, lust-worthy phone will be this week. I'm so confident, that its time to remove the "no shave til nexus" scruff. And not a minute too soon. Sheesh it was getting irritating!

...I'll keep the 'stache until I finally get to hold My Next.
You have to call CS to have it moved. The online chat folks can't do it, in store they can't do it, only the *611 folks seem to have that power. Although, I'm not sure why.

i did it through e-mail when i got my incredible on day one...e-mailed them asking, the next day i had a response saying they moved it up and i could do the pre-order online. that's why i did it that way this time...although if i don't hear back by the end of the day, i'll probably give 611 a call.
I had a nightmare last night that Verizon officially confirmed that the Nexus would be coming out on December 32nd... It was terrifying
Maybe in our dreams we go to some sort of alternate/parallel dimension where December 32nd exists... :o
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but why does it talk about the EVO 4G if this is for Verizon stores? Look at the bottom sentence.:confused:


Has anyone called to ask their local store if the White Razr will be available? would help to corroborate this leak.
ok you could really confuse them and ask if they got their P10050 power coupler yesterday :D

Edit: looks like they mean white razr demo unit, not sales units given today is 12/6 and obviously they are not releasing it today.
Hello everyone, I have been following this thread daily since late September but this is my first time posting. Like everyone else I have been waiting for this phone for quite some time as I am read to make the jump from my blackberry tour.

I just called the VZW store in livingston NJ and I spoke to sales. I told them I was interested in purchasing the Galaxy Nexus this week and I wanted to know what day they would begin selling it. Her response was " The release has been delayed, it is no longer being released on the 8th." I asked her if she knew what date and she said she hasnt been told yet." With that being said I did not mention the 8th SHE did. Lets all hope for the 9th..

Alrighty folks, even though there is still no OFFICIAL announcement from VZW, I (the eternal skeptic) have to believe that the release of this beautiful, lust-worthy phone will be this week. I'm so confident, that its time to remove the "no shave til nexus" scruff. And not a minute too soon. Sheesh it was getting irritating!

...I'll keep the 'stache until I finally get to hold My Next.

NO! Keep as is:D:p
Alrighty folks, even though there is still no OFFICIAL announcement from VZW, I (the eternal skeptic) have to believe that the release of this beautiful, lust-worthy phone will be this week. I'm so confident, that its time to remove the "no shave til nexus" scruff. And not a minute too soon. Sheesh it was getting irritating!

...I'll keep the 'stache until I finally get to hold My Next.

But it looks nice. :D
"EVO" refers to style of display. There is Legacy and Evo. So they're referring to the new "EVO" 4G LTE display.

Never Summer makes boards called the Legacy and Evo. Strange coincidence. Maybe HTC is branching out into the winter sports industry - which would explain that Verizon press release from earlier today! It all makes sense now.
Like I said earlier local reseller told me that they can't begin selling until the 12th.. I was hoping that was a little later because they are reselling but perhaps that is the VZW date also?
So one more thing on the NFC thing, apparently Verizon can't legally block the Google Wallet thing, for the reason I stated. FCC only allows carriers to block apps which affect their wireless services in a negative way. It would seem from Google's statement, that Verizon REQUESTED they not give access to the GNex, and Google complied. But the WSJ may be correct in that if Google changes its mind later, Verizon can do nothing to prevent us from using it. So we should really be focusing any campaign on Google, not Verizon.

So is the FCC the best place to file this complaint or the BBB or Spam all of the news channels with email????

Me thinks all of the above
Never Summer makes boards called the Legacy and Evo. Strange coincidence. Maybe HTC is branching out into the winter sports industry - which would explain that Verizon press release from earlier today! It all makes sense now.
Whoa! Mind blown. :D
So, now that we're all just patiently waiting for the 9th to come, I thought I'd share this fun little air travel OT:

I packed up late last night/early this morning due to laundry machine issues, and just kind of tossed my stuff in my bag. So, when I got to the airport, I figured I should double check my bag just to make sure that there wasn't anything in there that I didn't need. As I'm digging through, I come across a little plastic container. I open it up to find that it is holding spare exacto blades that I had from when I was moving. Good thing I checked, I don't think security would have appreciated me trying to get razors through.

My main question is, do you think Verizon would have shipped a Nexus to a holding cell?
New tactic :

I don't believe OTD mentioned that we are not allowed to plastic wrap verizon executives to their cars..... So who's gonna meet me in Basking Ridge so we can do this. It's miserable and drizzly here today so they won't want to be out there long. And we can tell them we'll release them 'soon'
Hello everyone, I have been following this thread daily since late September but this is my first time posting. Like everyone else I have been waiting for this phone for quite some time as I am read to make the jump from my blackberry tour.

I just called the VZW store in livingston NJ and I spoke to sales. I told them I was interested in purchasing the Galaxy Nexus this week and I wanted to know what day they would begin selling it. Her response was " The release has been delayed, it is no longer being released on the 8th." I asked her if she knew what date and she said she hasnt been told yet." With that being said I did not mention the 8th SHE did. Lets all hope for the 9th..
Hello! That story is slightly worrying, but nothing we haven't gotten used too.... :o
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