I wish everyone could support the developers instead of criticizing. I can't do the work myself due to my lack of development skills, so I am certainly grateful for the continued dedication of everyone working on this.
I would imagine that anyone complaining is also lacking in development skills or else they would be working on the camera themselves. That is okay.. not everyone is a developer, but let's support the people who have chosen to designate their free time to share their work to enrich the user experience of this phone. Otherwise, we will discourage those who can work on these ROMs by our ungratefulness.
If the camera was really irritating me, I would research how to work on it myself.. until then I will gladly to continue using the ROMs that offer working cameras.. remember that all of these ROMs are better than stock with or without camera.. thanks to the DEVS!
[Moderators, forgive me for venturing off the thread's topic, I usually don't post much, but I felt I needed to post this in support of the developers and to enlighten those who do not understand these people are dedicating their free time for US... continue on!]