Hi everyone and hi SUroot! Happy v-day all!
I am new here, but got in contact with SUroot on his google site comments -- until it vanished. o_0
Well, I wanna help point out stuff about the great dimweetive rom that's why I registered here.
About my phone:
I never dropped it, but sometimes I want to throw it when it starts to hang from overheat. Got fed up with charging every night since day 1 - came from Nokia camp and this was a BIG downer.
Have been lurking about some android sites a few weeks and eventually chose slim over features. Installed CWM, s-off, custom hboot 65MB (so I can add the full fallback ttf for my lunar calendar) and 11072011 a few days after my b-day and have been very impressed and delighted ever since - dgb made me forget about my Nokia.
I thought that would be the end-all upgrade, until I visited SUroot's site and saw a new version. Upgraded to 01282012 (w/o wiping after reading reply to Jon lol), upgraded the kernel and re-added the fallback ttf.
Some weirdness I noticed:
1. After upgraded dgb rom only, then reboot, desire totally hanged while displaying lock screen (foreground) and usb cable connected (background). I have sim PIN security on, but didn't see that appear before this happen. I workaround by removing the batt. All seem fine after that.
2. The camera shortcut has become invalid. This applies to launcher, go launcher and lock screen shortcut. I workaround by removing and adding it again.
3. In Lockscreen > Unlock options, selecting only Menu unlock does not enable Disable unlock slider option. Also, the Menu unlock option does not want to remain enabled.
4. Lockscreen and pattern security still don't like working together. I guess this is ok. At least the others work fine, but I think none of the lock delays are working.
5. In Lockscreen > Style options > Choose background, I'm only having problems with Custom image. Only File Expert and Quickpic are my choices since I have them installed. If I use FE, I can pick a picture in my SD and it would display "background changed" but going to lockscreen does not display that picture. Enabling screen security does not display the background either. I then tried selecting a smaller image in FE, but same results.
I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading!
6. Is it safe to update Superuser in Market? The first time opened My app in Market after upgrading dgb, it tried to update itself automatically. I think I was able to stop it.