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Root [ROM][BETA 3.1]Warped Kitty[AROMA][EXT4 Tweaks][UNISEX] Updated 08/05/13

Yes i checked the sd card and gallery and i cant seem to find the images no where even after i reboot the phone

To download pictures from MMS you have to actually click on it and then there should be an icon with a disc insinuating save with facebook Messenger or the Facebook app itself I always have to open it in browser and then download image from there
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Download a battery calibration app in the play store and the images from mms are saves to the sd card but still i have nothing in my gallery my guess is i have sdcard0 and sdcard1 but idk how it turned out like that because images are saved to sdcard0 and i dont know which sdcard im using

by default sdcard0 will be the internal memory card. the one you cannot take out.
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Strange.. SdCard 0 is the external one on my phone... Stock/Themed B11


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recalibrate battery dont work we have a post for that

If you mean the old myth of charging your batt. to full then letting it fully discharge before charging again... then yes you are correct. And yes folks sorry to say but that one is just a myth now. That method worked on old school rechargables but not our new phone batt/s as they are designed completely different.

But thats not what I meant there is another way to calibrate your battery and it does work.
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i downloaded the new release today and after about 10 minutes it just kept going back to the boot animation over and over again. any clues to why it would do that

Check the logs on the sd card. Its in the folder WarpedKitty under aroma.log , check to see if theres any errors in the log (use notepad++)

More then likely it was either a bad download or a bad flash. retry flashing and if it does it again re-download the zip

*Edit* what options did you choose?
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Can u post a few screenshots of each theme? I'm thinking of making a pink one for Kitty and another one for the cat.. Royal blue? Maybe the Kobalt will install OK?

I have yet to theme any of it beyond the bootanimation and default wallpaper. If you want to work on a pink theme that would work with this id be more then happy :D and i havent tried Kobalt yet. Been a bit busy with next version.
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Ok so i figured id let you guys know whats up with 3.2 beta, I was waiting on goo.im to approve my application to host stuff there so i could test ota functionality (requirements of the app) Ive yet to hear back so i will have to remove ota updates from teh beta untill i can find proper hosting to use with it. Other then that ive been hard at work adding more options to the installer as well as adding a new menu and one click installs for warped kitty. The one click installs are preset and require minimal user interaction (user needs only click one of the choices) As well as leaving the fully customizable part of the rom as an option. All in all this next update will be a big one :D Thank you all again for your support of this project
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Lol, right on! Pink it is or will become! There are SOOO many files I gotta change, it'll take me at least a few more days. Lol. I can't BELIEVE how much blue and greys I gotta replace, lol. I got lucky with the Kobalt cuz there were a bunch of blues already, but I'll keep going! :beer::cool:

There is a plugin for gedit that lets you find/replace in files. For example, you could say look inside these files, find #ffffff and replace with #000000. Not sure if this would help but it's worth mentioning.

or you could always do it with sed in terminal ;)
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Could you pleas explain what u mean a little further in detail? I understand a little about gedit, but what plugin?


or you could do it in a terminal like so:
cd /path/to/dir/files/are/in/
find . -name "*.smali" -print | xargs sed -i 's/ffffff/000000/g'
this will search inside all smali files in the cd'ed directory for ffffff and replace it with 000000
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Lol, right on! Pink it is or will become! There are SOOO many files I gotta change, it'll take me at least a few more days. Lol. I can't BELIEVE how much blue and greys I gotta replace, lol. I got lucky with the Kobalt cuz there were a bunch of blues already, but I'll keep going! :beer::cool:

Indeed there are alot of small changes to be made. Im sure it will be worth it in the end tho man. Of course theres no rush :p Take your time on it. :beer:
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