Call quality is identical.How's the call quality after root? Has anyone seen better signal or worse?
Same for battery life, with my old droid incredible i saw a huge improvement in battery life after CM7, same on the triumph?
Also a general question, this phone is buggy as all hell as I'm concerned. Say for example motorola pushes out an update. How does that work with root and roms, do you flash back to stock and install it? or are you just SOL? I've rooted and run CM7 before, I just never thought about how that works.
Flashing to CM7 tonight hopefully!
Data speed seems to seems to be a smidge quicker for me (800k down as opposed to 700k)
As far as an update, don't worry about it. Chances are that it will be for Gingerbread (which CM7 already is) and maybe a slight update to the radio. We'll deal with that when (or if) it comes around.