Alright, so since I've been on 10/16, I'm noticing that I'm getting quite a few TOTALLY random reboots. Like I'll look over at my phone and suddenly see it's on the M logo. Also, like several other people I'm getting the bug where I turn the screen on and the backlight turns on but nothing visual comes up. I can still interact with the screen (slide the unlock slider, press on buttons, etc.) but can't see anything. I'm also getting a bug where I'll turn the screen on and the lockscreen comes up (without the TV-like screen-on animation, but the touch doesn't work. These require a battery pull in order to get the phone functioning again. This has only been happening on 10/16. Perhaps it has something to do with the new memory management tweaks? I've also been using the V6 Supercharger...I'll stop using that and see if there's any changes. I'm 99.9% positive that I'm not using any new apps that would be affecting that.
I've been LOVING CM7 and I appreciate all the hard work, but it's getting to the point where I really can't use it as a daily build anymore. I've seriously had to pull my battery at least 10 times in the past day.