Here's a very, very easy fix that has been bugging me regarding the ambient brightness sensor and CM7's custom automatic backlight option.
The default Android automatic brightness (non-CM7) didn't adjust brightness while the screen was on for me (only upon wake), so I went into the CM7 settings and enabled the custom automatic backlight and button brightness setting, using my own values. However, when the sensor reports 0 brightness in merely moderately dark conditions (like my room at night lit only by my monitors), the CM7 custom auto brightness function seems to detect this as invalid data and ignores it, keeping whatever averaged brightness it already had. This means that when I wake my phone in brightness and then enter a dark environment, the phone will never drop down to minimum brightness levels and simply stay at whatever it was before the sensor started reporting zero. My guess that fixing this would be as easy as just adding 1 to the ambient light sensor's reported value so that it's not reporting zero in darkness and being ignored by CM7's custom auto backlight function.
Of course, the real fix would be to figure out how to get more precise data from our sensor (not that I expect that this is possible) so that we're not just multiplying its output by 30 to approximate actual lux values. Because our sensor reports a small range of values (from 0 to around 50, where 0 really isn't all that dark and 50 is direct sunlight, according to our sensor's raw output) we have very grainy data, and I set my minimum screen brightness and dim level to 26, as that's about how bright it needs to be when the ambient brightness is just below the point of prompting a value of "1" from our sensor. However, this brightness is still temporarily almost blinding when the eye is adapted to much darker environments, like an unlit room at night.
Thank you for continuing development on this great ROM, it just keeps getting better and better.