Android Enthusiast
I like this one.
I always start from scratch and never do backups, I personnaly think that's why I never have any issues like others have, but it installed perfectly the first try. No problems. Other than making sure the battery was fully charged between steps, this is all I did:
1-Odined SPHM820_EJ06-CWM5-Rooted-rfsCache.zip [reboot]
2-Flashed SPH-M820-CWM-5027-UPDT-FIXED2A.zip [reboot]
3-Ran ADB/SSM setup (16gb sandisk class4=2048/swap-2048/ext-11836/fat) [reboot]
4-Updated PRL [reboot]
5-Flashed CTMod3.6 [reboot]
Blood: the RemovedApps.zip, has it been updated or is it still the same for this one?
I always start from scratch and never do backups, I personnaly think that's why I never have any issues like others have, but it installed perfectly the first try. No problems. Other than making sure the battery was fully charged between steps, this is all I did:
1-Odined SPHM820_EJ06-CWM5-Rooted-rfsCache.zip [reboot]
2-Flashed SPH-M820-CWM-5027-UPDT-FIXED2A.zip [reboot]
3-Ran ADB/SSM setup (16gb sandisk class4=2048/swap-2048/ext-11836/fat) [reboot]
4-Updated PRL [reboot]
5-Flashed CTMod3.6 [reboot]
Blood: the RemovedApps.zip, has it been updated or is it still the same for this one?