Android Expert
Would you say that running underclocked almost all the time is a benefit battery-wise for you Chairshot? I've seen so many conflicting opinions about clock speed & battery life (underclock means less energy used by CPU vs. overclock means CPU processes done more quickly = less energy used). I guess I should just try it for grins sometime & see- it sure would be nice to put the MT in "long-play" mode if I know I was going to be using it & that it would be a long day with no chance to plug in.
I have done my testing over a few weeks. Underclocking has it's benifits. Small, but they are an improvement. I had a kernel that would allow clock speeds down to ~20 MHz, Miniscule improvement over 61MHz. Our phones have a deep sleep mode were the processor is practally off. When in this state if the processor is at say ~700MHz, and it goes to sleep, it is for all intents and purposes off. Because of that, and sense ~200 is low enough to be at a low voltage, but fast enough to get most screen-off stuff done, the lower speeds don't save much power. But they do save a drop or two.
I might see if I can do a more scientific graph if I can get a second MT. I think it will show up on the CM9 thread though.