Android Expert
Your answer is unclear. The problem, I suppose, is that I really asked two questions, and I expect that the answer to each of these is the opposite of the answer to the other; and you gave one answer, “Basicly, if it came from a member of the MTDEV team then, no.”, and it is not clear which of the two questions goes with that answer.
The two questions, separated, are…
I get that Chairshot is the one who developed this GPS fix, and that he's also one of those working on this ROM, which suggests a very strong possibility that this fix may be incorporated into this ROM at some point. I haven't seen anything to indicate whether or not it already has, other than the statement on the other thread about it obviously hadn't been at that point because at that point, the latest version of the ROM had been released two days before this fix came out.
- At this point, is there any benefit to flashing this (“Vastly improve GPS for all ROMs”
over this ROM?
- Has it or something better been incorporated into this ROM by now?
Sorry about that.
To answer them at the same time, it's same gps.config. I guess if you were running the older ROMs it would work. I would have to double check, but I think it would work on all ROMs. I don't think they changed that part of the design from FroYo to JB.
More github digs
Edit: In CM9 it's still a little different, and CM10 it's the one made by Issac.