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Root [ROM] MTDEV-CM7 build 2013-03-03

One more question.. I use ThunderProp on the other CM7. Can I also use it here or are there significant changes that I would overwrite in doing so?
I used MX based on a conversation I had with Izzard and tested with that. It's very possible Mobo will be just as good as long as it can do software decoding. Since the stock player doesn't do software decoding it of course plays like crap.

I'm using Daroon with no issues.
Some formats are hw decoded, some are sw.
Great rom, guys. loving the experience. No major issues/bugs so far, but if it's not too early to start requesting a few features, there are a few features from other roms i kinda miss.

1. option to show battery life as a bar at the top of the screen.
2. option to hide alarm notification on status bar and lockscreen.
3. option to center status bar clock
4. Use a hardware key (usually long-press menu) to turn on torch.
Great rom, guys. loving the experience. No major issues/bugs so far, but if it's not too early to start requesting a few features, there are a few features from other roms i kinda miss.

1. option to show battery life as a bar at the top of the screen.
2. option to hide alarm notification on status bar and lockscreen.
3. option to center status bar clock
4. Use a hardware key (usually long-press menu) to turn on torch.

1) it's a setting under CyanogenMod settings. Look for interface- status bar tweaks.
2) this is on my list of features to add. Right now I've been busy with life and the front facing camera
3) not sure about this one. Maybe after we clear some of the issues first. Don't know if it can be done simply.
4) Again, that's a setting. CyanogenMod settings- input-long press menu
After 0801 update:
Yes, the phone does feel smother. Video playback seems better but not perfect. I still have random frame freezes but here is what i found. You should try dice player from the market. Looks like dice uses full decoding capability and i can show me right away how its going to be: freeze or no freeze. i tried it with every rom and it basically shows me from the start how the codecs are. If you run dice on the previous g60 builds there is noticeable lag, now, there's no lag however there's green line on the top and mixed colors which tells me something is wrong.
Another note is GPS. It locks it 2 seconds and then it starts blinking, like it give me preliminary position and then just double checks if it was right the first time. Still way better than stock!!
Yeah chairshot worked some more gps magic Ill checkout dice and see how it is. If its rocking like you said I'll add it to the first post as the video player to use.
yay smoother scrolling and volume adjustment is implemented!! g60 i have a question, do u ever plan to build with linaro? i heard and experienced linaro on my n7 and it improves overall performance. I'm not much a dev myself so I'm not sure would it be possible..but hey...this is android...almost anything is possible! great job with the rom!!

edit: sorry if I'm asking for too much..but would it b possible to implement this?
yay smoother scrolling and volume adjustment is implemented!! g60 i have a question, do u ever plan to build with linaro? i heard and experienced linaro on my n7 and it improves overall performance. I'm not much a dev myself so I'm not sure would it be possible..but hey...this is android...almost anything is possible! great job with the rom!!

edit: sorry if I'm asking for too much..but would it b possible to implement this?
[HOWTO]Implement Swipe to Remove Notification - xda-developers

The smoother scrolling part was to disable the scrolling cache and was already an option in the Cyanogen performance settings. It is enabled by default so would still need to disable it manually if you so choose. I have had it disabled the last few days and it does seem better.
yay smoother scrolling and volume adjustment is implemented!! g60 i have a question, do u ever plan to build with linaro? i heard and experienced linaro on my n7 and it improves overall performance. I'm not much a dev myself so I'm not sure would it be possible..but hey...this is android...almost anything is possible! great job with the rom!!

edit: sorry if I'm asking for too much..but would it b possible to implement this?
[HOWTO]Implement Swipe to Remove Notification - xda-developers

I think that's already in there. Can someone tell me if I'm reading the link wrong? It was even broken for a while when Whyzor was building his reloaded ROM
G60, thank you for your continued efforts to make this phone awesome, you've done an amazing job.

One thing though, since switching to this rom I've had a handful of random reboots, although none since I installed the most recent update. When I initially installed this rom I did a full wipe however I did use titanium to restore apps and system data from you're old version of cm7.

I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was something on my end?

Has anyone else noticed their machine running a little warm? I noticed it for sure after the 7/29 build. My whole machine just feels a little toastier. Also the battery is draining at about 25% / hour (yes, 25% per hour). I have not changed any settings that I can think of, just all normal use. I do not have it overclocked.

Any ideas?

I'll try the 8/1 out, but if it is the same thing I'll have to roll back a few releases and see if it is still happening then.
So I am running this ROM, and damn this has to be the best version of CM7 yet. Everything is so smooth and fast too. Overclocking probably helps as well. I can't believe this is a beta. Way to go guys!
G60, thank you for your continued efforts to make this phone awesome, you've done an amazing job.

One thing though, since switching to this rom I've had a handful of random reboots, although none since I installed the most recent update. When I initially installed this rom I did a full wipe however I did use titanium to restore apps and system data from you're old version of cm7.

I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was something on my end?


Titanium, is a great app. However only restore apps, and when I say apps I mean the ones from the playstore no local apps. Also do not save settings either from CM7 as there is tons of different changes in the code from g60 to CM7.2.0. This will help stabilize the ROM. If you have problems, short of the problems with the beta it's more than likely an problem from an app that's been carried over.

Has anyone else noticed their machine running a little warm? I noticed it for sure after the 7/29 build. My whole machine just feels a little toastier. Also the battery is draining at about 25% / hour (yes, 25% per hour). I have not changed any settings that I can think of, just all normal use. I do not have it overclocked.

Any ideas?

I'll try the 8/1 out, but if it is the same thing I'll have to roll back a few releases and see if it is still happening then.

Not at all, no heat problems on my daily phone and dev phone. If you run into issues like this make sure to do a full wipe & dalvik wipe. Then install the ROM and see if it is happening. If so it's possible it's a bad download.
Another note is GPS. It locks it 2 seconds and then it starts blinking, like it give me preliminary position and then just double checks if it was right the first time. Still way better than stock!!

Pretty positive the recheck thing you are describing has been addressed for the next build. Not sure if anyone had seen it cut out and back in but should also be addressed next time around. Otherwise looks like there is still potential for cutting off 2 more seconds, lol. Also just a note but the gps stuff I have been messing around with is for the most part network related and does not have an effect if data has just been turned on or the phone has just been rebooted. Pretty much until after the Statusbar icon has turned blue.
Wht is the differance between this and g60's....... they are both 7.2. Just wondering

g60 is CM 7.2 RC1, this ROM is the stable release from Cyanogenmod, 7.2.0 and it's no longer a release candidate. The code has been more stabilized and more bugs have been resolved. From a coding aspect, when I first started the project I also rewrote the device files for ease of use for future developers.

Now as the project has moved forward both Chairshot and dsmryder have joined into this project. So now we have (3) minds to look over the code and add more fixes to make it even better. The main goal of CM 7.2.0 is to take the stabilized code from the CM Team and break it off from the main line so we can keep the code stable.

In previous version of CM since way back when IssacJ & TickerGuy started the development, it has always been update, break, fix, update, break, fix. Now because we broke off the code from the main line it's just fix! Now each release will be better and more stable as we are not introducing new updated problems, and we are rewriting the code to work specifically for our beloved device.

Also all this knowledge and learning will help us as we are now starting work on CM9. The longer we take with CM 7.2.0 will be in our favor as it allows the CM Team to stabilize the CM9 code which they are almost done with.

CyanogenMod 9 RC2 | CyanogenMod
does this rom take advantage of the speed fix you posted about removing the two lines in build.prop? I don't see them in there, but I'm getting speed test results that are back to before I did the fix on the old g60. Could be a network problem right now, but I thought I'd ask. Is anyone else seeing slower speeds or just me?
does this rom take advantage of the speed fix you posted about removing the two lines in build.prop? I don't see them in there, but I'm getting speed test results that are back to before I did the fix on the old g60. Could be a network problem right now, but I thought I'd ask. Is anyone else seeing slower speeds or just me?

Yes the ROM is configured with the right settings so no need to edit the build.prop. I have not noticed any slowness on my side.
Hey I have noticed a rather unusual issue recently. I was playing around with SMS & MMS and noticed that if I send an SMS to myself it get the reply message from a weird phone number. Additionally, if I try to send a MMS to myself it will go to my Gmail inbox and not back through the messenger. I have no idea if this is related to this ROM (8/1/12) or a VM issue? What is going on? :confused: Can anyone else replicate this?
Is this ROM stable enough to replace g60?

I say yes, this rom is very stable and very smooth. Not to take anything from the g60 ROM, which is great, but I feel that i don't have to reboot my phone every once in a while to just make the phone run smooth as I did with the g60 ROM. I been running this ROM for the past 4 days and I have not had any force closes or anything crazy like that. I honestly have no complaints. I'm sure you will agree if you give this ROM a try. Of course keep in mind of the known issues, to me they are not a big deal. Great job Devs!
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