Well when my Linux computer hits the grub screen and starts to boot opensuse but hangs half way through the boot process, that isn't what I would call a computer trying to boot from a phone.
It is not an uninformed opinion, it is years 13 to be exact of Linux experience, and 30 years computer hardware experience, and just being bright enough to know the difference between a computer booting from a USB device and a hard drive loaded with grub, opensuse.
I do not make stuff up, never have and never will. If you'd like I can post my Linux computers boot logs, kernel logs, error logs, udev logs, var logs or more if necessary not that it would make any difference as this is a new anomaly not related to any one computer, or operating system, I have tested on three different computers all with the same results, "the operating systems" hang on boot up with the phones plugged in. This a new thing that I have not experienced or seen in any of the past builds.
Other then that stange issue the phones work perfectly, and pretty much have for months using Jerrys builds. I like the builds, and will continue to use them, I may however never again try and discuss an issue related to a problem here again.
It is obviously the wrong place to try and discover what may be happening since the last update.