I guess I'm still awake...1/2 way at least...
When you refer to "apps2sd" prior to partitioning, you are referring to NON-darktremor type app to sd card installation, yes??...the "stock" app 2 sd option?? If so, then that is what happened.
Is there any way to re-establish the link or is it lost and I simply need to use Titanium to reinstall??
I was also wondering if this result should have been EXPECTED on my part?? Was it the act of partitioning that deleted the part of the app on the card or any would any sort of non-partitioning-new-card installation would have had the same result?? I'm just trying to learn WHERE/HOW the link to the part of the apps on the card was lost and now considered "uninstalled"...??
In the morning when I get up...and when I have time to flash the Mik ROM...at that point, I'll be reinstalling my apps from Titanium and the Mik ROM will put the ENTIRE app where it needs to go: on the partition that I previously created, yes?
ok so again apps2sd is the built in way to move apps to the card. it is not to be confused with a2sd. apps2sd was introduced first in froyo and then gingerbread. apps2sd moves only part of the app to the card. the other part still stays on the rom. so when you partition your rom, it wipes the card first before partitioning your card. so basically it wiped the half of the app that was on the card. thus basically uninstalling those apps. and unfortunately there is no way to reestablish the link since the other half was wiped.