Actually, I can, if you are interested. First, while there are people on both sides of any argument who have their egos so connected to a product or brand that any criticism is perceived as a personal attack, the vast majority of people are either trying to answer a loaded question or simply having a little fun at another's expense. juvenile, sure and not productive in the least, but it does get entertaining, especially if you use these pointless vitriol-laden diatribes as an exercise to identify logical fallacies.
I disagree, from some of the comments I've read here, there appears to be a deeply seeded anti-iphone/iphone user sentiment that goes well beyond just preferring one product over another. I've seen comments referring to Iphone/Apple users as lemmings, idiots, stupid people, sheeple, ect. These personal insults are derived from literally
hatred, towards certain people who are guilty of nothing more than liking one product brand over another. Heck, I've only posted a couple times and I've already been labeled a troll, fanboy, a 'victim of apple marketing', ect ect ect.
Why is there so much utter hatred from many droid users? I mean, go lurk around the Apple forums for a bit, you won't find anything even
remotely comparable to what goes on here, especially personal insults!
It's really puzzling.
Truth is that all marketing (sic. advertising) is targeted to push forward a specific agenda. The problem is that there is a perception that Apple's particular flavor of marketing message is arrogant and obnoxious. While I cannot accuse them of lying outright, they do push the envelope of truth to the extreme (as do many other companies, I might add).
The problem is that the 'victim of apple marketing' comment is a thinly veiled insult, just like it would for someone to suggest that droid users were a 'victim of Verizon marketing', I mean might as well just stick the word propaganda in there and be done with it.
The key word in your sentence there is
perception, because that's all it is. Some people perceive it to be arrogant or obnoxious, while others do not. Some people perceive Verizon's or BMW's marking to be arrogant or obnoxious, while others do not.
All companies will vehemently defend/promote their product, though I disagree with how Apple has publicly handled the 'reception issue' fiasco.
While universal coverage is a problem endemic to the mobile industry as a whole, I don't think this is the issue. The problem lies not whether other networks experience similar problems, but rather, if the iPhone specifically experiences problems that other handsets on the same network, under the same conditions experience to a lesser degree, or not at all. While the majority of information is anecdotal, there seems to be enough of it to support the idea that iPhone design in some was is directly correlated to the dropping of calls. It should be at least worth looking into.
Agreed, if there is a hardware design on the phone then it should be corrected and Apple should not be playing games with it's customers. Like I said, I disagree with how they've been handling it thus far, their position has changed from..:
"You're holding it wrong"
"It needs a bumper"
"It needs a software fix due to an incorrect reception algorithm"
Again however, I personally haven't experienced any reception issues, dropped calls, or anything like that. But if there is a problem with the iphone 4, then Apple needs to address it promptly and thoroughly.