I haven't even been here a week and I've already been called a 'troll', a 'victim of apple marketing', was told to 'stay in school' and had my mentality/intellect questioned merely for posting on an open & public forum, I've also seen several threads/posts here where Iphone/Apple users are referred to as simple minded, idiots, stupid people, and Isheeple, so I would say that my assessment that many droid users are harboring deep anti-Iphone/user sentiment is pretty accurate.
You really do need to work on your set theory and logic. This forum has in excess of 175,000 members with 50K+ being active at any given time. Even if we assume that every derogatory comment was made by a different individual, even 10 or 20 isn't representational of any significant quantity. Even in this single thread of 415 posts, 4 represent less than 1%. However given that "many" is a subjective term -- for example 4 four peanuts in a bag is NOT many, but 4 broken bones in one's lifetime is -- then I would like you to apply your reasoning to fairly and equitably. if, as you estimate, that 3%-4% of iPhone 4 users experience reception problems, it should be reasonable for me to claim in an Apple forum that "many" iPhones have reception problems without being redressed. And, if I were to be referred to as a troll, idiot or any other derisive term, then it would be reasonable for me to conclude that many iPhone users have unreasonable Android hate. Of course it wouldn't.
I'm still puzzled as to why such sentiment exists.
I am not sure if you are truly puzzled or just being argumentative. In any case, some people define their place in society by their possessions and can't tolerate criticism. Some will respond with ad hominem remarks. It's similar to Italian football fans being angry at Uganda football fans for liking the team that knocked them out of the World Cup. It is irrational and juvenile, but understandable from a human nature standpoint.
I agree with everything you're saying and I realize that while there is some anti-microsoft sentiment within a small core group of Apple users, the vitriol and venom is reserved for the company itself, not it's users. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case here, where the Iphone users themselves are literally being demonized.
I'm sorry, but this attitude of righteous indignation is rather irritating. Go read the comments on ZDnet.com for a whole lot of name calling and worse from all the members, including the equally represented iPhone/Apple camp. It's one of the main reasons why I stopped reading the blogs. I just to a quick browse over to Apple's own discussion forum and found in the last 90 days over 400 instances of "troll" and "idiot" used. Granted not all of them were used to insult someone, but some were. So, again, is it reasonable for me to assume that contrary to your assertion, that there is a good deal of personal dislike of people who use competing technology there? Of course not.
If we are to conclude that Apple's marketing is propaganda, then we must also conclude that every other product being sold on the TV, radio, or internet are also being marketed via propaganda.
You'll get no argument from me. However it is not the definition that many find objectionable, it's the implementation. And it is the success of the products from that implementation that lead people to the conclusion that those who patronize Apple and buy their products have somehow been misled or coerced. I know a great many Apple proponents who also show a great distaste for Apple's marketing exactly because of this.
Apple isn't doing anything unique or special in that respect.
No, just pushing the envelope.
I'm sorry to hear about the reception issue, however such issues exist with all mobile devices.
You sidestepped the point here. It is not an issue of poor reception per se, but one unique to Apple handsets on the same network in the same conditions. Since the iPhone first has been released there have been complaints about AT&T's network being the sole source of difficulty. Even Apple was quick to point the finger of blame away from themselves. I can't speak for all non-iPhone users but i can tell you this. I have had a Nokia 6800, LG Shine, LG Incite (running Windows Mobile ... yes, you can stop chuckling now) and now a Nexus 1 all on the AT&T network in and around the Mid Atlantic region of the U.S. I haven't had near the number of significant (ie. dropped calls) as the iPhone users around me. Anecdotal, yes, but it speaks volumes to me about the issue being the phone or the phone in combination with the network, but NOT just the network. I do have a friend who has an old Motorola Razor on the same network and he drops calls all the time, too, but he has put most of the blame on the phone when other AT&T users are still able to make calls consistently.
In relation to Apple marketing, they have spent a great deal of time and effort to convince the market that they produce superior products, and for the most part, it's true. However when issues arise and the pervasive attitude is that since the product is superior the cause must lie somewhere else, you can understand how the attitude can be considered either gullible or obnoxious.
Is the issue being overblown? I think it's a possibility for sure for the above reasons. The real question is, what percentage of Iphone 4 users are experiencing reception problems? Is it 5 percent? 25 percent? 75 percent?
Right now no one has an answer to that question.
Even 5% of users would be a very significant number, but I think the backlash is twofold. First it's a little mea culpa based on previous claims of build quality and second, the continued corporate deflection of responsibility.