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Strange...I haven't noticed any bugs. Also, its not like they create special bug-free versions to put on phones from the OEMs. The OEMs get the same stuff that's out there right now. And if the DX is any indicator, you won't get a newer version...ever! The big difference (for me) is that i won't have to go through the PITA process of removing the stock Swype before I can upgrade to a newer version.

I'm gonna try it again.
Using the emulator I wasn't able to move or delete the built-in search bar at the top of the screen but I was able to add the normal search bar as a widget and move it around freely.


Where did you get that?
That's the simulator in the SDK. It works to test things but at least on my PC is pretty laggy.
I guess what I'm comparing to is my inc buttons light up when ambient light is low, so they can be seen to navigate. Just wondering how the ics buttons will behave.
Being that they are on-screen, I would guess that their brightness follows the brightness of the screen....they get brighter in the sun and darker at night. I wouldn't worry about not being able to see them.
Just wondering in the browser on "full site" mode if it will still recognize you are on a mobile? Some sites do and limit what you do. Also will it have Wi-Fi Direct enabled? Thanks in advance.
You are missing nothing, it has a Super Amoled HD display.

This still didn't answer my question. I'm trying to figure out who has the best screen? The iPhone 4S, the Galaxy Nexus, the Droid RAZR or the HTC Rezound. Something about Pentile displays...is the Galaxy Nexus a Pentile display? And if so that makes it not as crisp as the iPhone display? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

These are exciting times for a Verizon Android user, I just want to make sure I'm spending my $200-$300 on the right device (between the ones listed above).

I'm really happy you did this post though, because I was super-bummed about the HDMI port and at least I know there will be hope (albeit with an additional connector/hardware). Thanks!
1. Will I be able to pinch the screen to see all the home screens?
2. Will I be able to add or delete home screens?
1. Will I be able to pinch the screen to see all the home screens?
2. Will I be able to add or delete home screens?

1. Stock launcher: maybe. I seriously love this feature on Launcher Pro (almost all 3rd party Launcher replacements) and I think Google might integrate it into ICS.

2. Probably not - don't ask me why I am leaning this way, but just a hunch.
1. Stock launcher: maybe. I seriously love this feature on Launcher Pro (almost all 3rd party Launcher replacements) and I think Google might integrate it into ICS.

2. Probably not - don't ask me why I am leaning this way, but just a hunch.

In this video the guy demonstrates that there's no zoom-out on the stock ICS launcher.

And I'm certain I've heard or read that you can't add/remove home screens either. :(

Other than that, the ICS launcher incorporates every feature I use Launcher Pro for. :D
saw screen res as 316 pixels/inch. compared to iphone 330, shouldn't the display be about the same?

anyone have any idea if an extended battery will fit with the stock cover?
saw screen res as 316 pixels/inch. compared to iphone 330, shouldn't the display be about the same?

anyone have any idea if an extended battery will fit with the stock cover?

I believe the iphone is 326ppi not 330ppi, but I doubt the 4ppi is significant anyway.

Hopefully someone that has actually played with the GNex will chime in on the display quality.
saw screen res as 316 pixels/inch. compared to iphone 330, shouldn't the display be about the same?

anyone have any idea if an extended battery will fit with the stock cover?

Per apple's own press release on the "retina" display, the human eye can't distinguish anything above 300dpi at 12" distance. So anything over 300dpi, be it 301dpi or 40000dpi can't be determined by someone with 20/20 vision.

Now that's Apple speak at it's finest. There have been some scientist who actually claim that 20/20 vision at 12" is more like 470dpi. Either way though, I doubt most will be able to tell the resolution difference between 326 and 316. What some may notice difference in the displays are the superior contrast ratios of the GNex, and the more accurate colors of the iPhone.
Does anyone have an official screen size on real estate not including the soft buttons? Is it closer to 4.3", or more like 4.5"? Negligible of course, but curious as I compare to the RAZR.
Does anyone have an official screen size on real estate not including the soft buttons? Is it closer to 4.3", or more like 4.5"? Negligible of course, but curious as I compare to the RAZR.

The screen size including appearing/disappearing buttons is 4.65 inches.

The screen size not including appearing/disappearing buttons is about 4.3 inches. ;)
So when's the buttons dissapear, it's plain black screen?? That seems pointless, may have well just put buttons.. Amirite?
Here's a question I haven't seen anyone asking: Which GPS chip is in the Nexus? And, how good is it?

I have had horrible experiences with the GPS chips in earlier Samsung phones compared to Moto, etc. My OG Droid locks onto a GPS signal like a coon dog on the hunt. And when it needs to reacquire it only takes a few seconds, even cold.

Every Samsung phone I've ever dealt with, on the other hand, has taken forever (usually minutes in most cases, even on a hot re-acquisition!).

So does anyone know if the G-Nex is any better?
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